Pangea CMS is a Content Management System tailored for online journalism. In the sections below, find definitions of the key terminology that you might find while you use Pangea CMS and browse our support articles.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Alt text
A simple description of what is directly visible in an image. Alt text is important for both SEO and site accessibility. When you add an image to a content page, you can optionally create custom alt text for the image. The alt text is included in the source code for the image and is not normally displayed on the public site.
- See also: SEO
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. A published Article might provide information on any topic.
Aspect ratio
A ratio that describes the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image (such as 16:9 or 3:4). Aspect ratio determines the shape of an image but not its size. Pangea CMS might crop an image automatically to ensure it fits the desired aspect ratio on the public site.
Audio clip
A type of multimedia content that can be created in Pangea CMS. To create an Audio clip, first upload the relevant audio file to Pangea CMS. You can then complete the settings that control how the Audio clip is displayed and promoted on the public site. An Audio clip might be shared as a standalone content page. Alternatively, embed the audio player directly on other pages.
Audio feature
A short clip that is recorded from a Broadcast program. For example, an Audio feature might include the first 5 minutes of a Broadcast program. An Audio feature might be shared as a standalone content page. Alternatively, embed the audio player directly on other pages.
- See also: Broadcast program
A content creator. From Pangea CMS, one or more authors can be added to any content page. Before you can add an author to a content page, the author needs to be included on the list of approved authors for your site. From Pangea CMS, you can add a new author to the approved list or update the settings for an existing author.
Automatic social media image
A special image, optimized for promoting your content on social media platforms. An automatic social media image includes the Main visual and title for the content page, as well as your service logo. If this functionality is enabled for your site, Pangea CMS generates a collection of automatic social media images for every text content page. You can choose one of the automatically generated images to include in the social media teaser for the page. This functionality can be enabled for individual sites on request.
- See also: Social media teaser
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. You might embed a Backgrounder into the body of a text content page (such as an Article). A Backgrounder provides background information on a topic that is relevant to the story. We do not recommend sharing a Backgrounder as a standalone content page.
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Blog content type is intended for sharing short, blog-style content.
Blog with big images
A layout that can be enabled for a Category page. When the "Blog with big images" layout is enabled, the Category page displays every content page from the Category in full. This layout is suitable for showcasing a collection of short, blog-style content.
- See also: Category page
Breaking news
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. The Breaking news widget is intended for sharing high-interest breaking news stories. While active, a Breaking news widget is displayed at the top of every page on your site.
- See also: Widget
Broadcast program
A live audio / radio show that streams regular episodes according to a pre-defined schedule. Use the Scheduler & Template week tool in Pangea CMS to manage the schedule for live Broadcast programs.
- See also: Audio feature | Landing | Radio Category | Scheduler & Template week
Categories in Pangea CMS organize the content on your site by topic. For example, your site might have a "Politics" Category for all content relating to politics. You cannot save a content page in Pangea CMS until it is added to at least one Category.
- See also: Category page | Content Category | Primary Category | Radio Category | RSS feed | TV Category
Category archive page
An alternative name for a Category page.
Category page
A type of page on the public site. On a Category page, visitors can browse all the content from the same Category. It is possible to enable a Category page for any Category from the Category settings in Pangea CMS. This type of page is sometimes called a Category archive page.
- See also: Blog with big images | Category | Custom URL | FactCheck list | Latest news | List with thumbnails | Multimedia archive | Website teaser
Text that is displayed below an image on the public site. An effective caption provides context and explains how the image is relevant to the story.
Stands for Content Management System. In general, a CMS lets you build, manage, and update a website without the need to write code.
Our latest strategy for designing and developing features in Pangea CMS.
Content Category
A type of multipurpose Category with general settings, suitable for promoting any type of content. A Content Category normally includes a mixture of different content types.
- See also: Category | Latest news
Content widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. The Content widget lets you share and promote content pages across the public site. This is a highly customizable widget that offers a wide variety of layout options. The Content widget is the most commonly used widget on Pangea sites.
- See also: Loop video | Media slider | Widget
Courtesy photographer
A type of photographer that can be assigned to an image in Pangea CMS. A Courtesy photographer is any approved photographer not employed by RFE/RL.
- See also: Photographer
Custom URL
A tool in Pangea CMS that lets you create a descriptive, human-readable URL for any Category page, Infopage, or Section page.
- See also: Category page | Infopage | Section
A line of text that can be included at the top of text content pages. Dateline tells visitors where the events occurred or where the story was written. This feature can be enabled for individual sites on request.
See USAGM Direct.
A third-party commenting tool that is used on many Pangea sites. Disqus comments can be enabled for individual sites on request.
A type of multimedia content that can be created in Pangea CMS. A Document is a standalone content page that lets visitors download an external document file (such as a PDF). To create a Document page, first upload the relevant document file to Pangea CMS. You can then complete the settings that control how the Document page is displayed and promoted on the public site.
Dynamic infographics
A type of interactive content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Dynamic infographics content type is primarily intended for building custom webpages and microsites. Only users with advanced knowledge of CSS / JavaScript have the rights to create new Dynamic infographics from Pangea CMS.
Editorial bar
A special bar for editors that might be available at the top of pages on the public site. From the Editorial bar, you can start editing the current page. You can also disable cache to check very recent updates to the current page. If you do not see the Editorial bar, you can manually launch it from Pangea CMS.
Embedded content
An item that can be inserted into the body of a text content page (such as an Article) or an HTML widget. From Pangea CMS, you can insert several different types of embedded content. This includes images, videos, audio clips, rich links, and external media items.
- See also: External media | HTML widget | Stealth published
An organization or business with its own separate identity. For our purposes, an entity is one of the media organizations that uses Pangea CMS:
- Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL)
- Voice Of America (VOA)
- Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB)
- LibertyNET
See also: USAGM
External media
A type of embedded content. Using just an embed code or URL, you can insert a supported external media item into the body of a text content page (such as an Article) or an HTML widget. Pangea CMS supports a wide range of external media items. This includes items from popular platforms, such as Facebook, Telegram, X (formerly Twitter), and YouTube.
- See also: Embedded content | HTML widget
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The FactCheck content type lets you present an objective analysis of a statement that has been widely circulated and presented as fact.
- See also: FactCheck list
FactCheck list
A layout that can be enabled for a Category page. When the "FactCheck list" layout is enabled, the Category page displays a simple teaser for every FactCheck from the Category. This layout only supports the FactCheck content type.
- See also: Category page | FactCheck
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Feature content type is intended for sharing evergreen content. This means content that is not time-sensitive and will remain perpetually relevant for your audience.
Feature story
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Feature story content type is intended for visual storytelling.
Footer navigation
A navigation item that is displayed at the bottom of every page on Pangea sites. The Footer navigation typically provides links to pages that are not regularly updated, such as your "About" and "Contact us" pages. The Footer navigation can be updated from Pangea CMS.
Stands for Graphic Database. This is the database where all images uploaded to Pangea CMS are stored and categorized.
GDB Source
Stands for Graphic Database Source. This is the organization with credit for an image. For a photo, the GDB Source is often the external agency that owns permission to use the photo (for example, Reuters or AP). When you upload a new image to Pangea CMS, it is required to assign a GDB Source. You can only assign a GDB Source from the approved list. Only the Pangea team can add new GDB Sources to the approved list. Contact us to add a new GDB Source.
HTML widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. An HTML widget is like a blank canvas that lets you display custom content on pages. Despite the name, you do not need to use HTML code to create an HTML widget. If preferred, you can conveniently add the widget content using our WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) rich text editor.
- See also: Embedded content | External media | Widget
Independent widget
A classification of widget. An independent widget is displayed in one place on the public site. Edits to an independent widget to not impact other widgets, and independent widgets do not inherit updates from other widgets. Any type of widget can be created as an independent widget.
- See also: Library widget | Widget
A type of page on the public site. An Infopage typically includes general information about your site and is not regularly updated. Your "About" and "Contact us" pages are examples of Infopages. You can build and update Infopages from Pangea CMS. Use layout blocks to define a custom layout and add the content using widgets.
- See also: Custom URL | Sub navigation | Widget
A segment that might be displayed under the "Home" tab in the header for a TV or Radio Category. This applies if the "Multimedia archive" layout is enabled for the Category and a Landing is connected to the Category. Landing functionality is primarily intended to promote Video shows, Broadcast programs, and podcasts. Each Landing is custom built from widgets.
- See also: Broadcast program | Multimedia archive | Radio Category | Segment | TV Category | Video show | Widget
Latest news
A layout that can be enabled for a Content Category. When the "Latest news" layout is enabled for a Category, content is displayed as a continuous stream rather than standalone content pages. This layout is applied on the Category page and on content pages from the Category.
- See also: Category page | Content Category
Library widget
A classification of widget. A library widget is stored in the Widget library. A library widget might be displayed in multiple places on the public site. When you edit a library widget, the changes apply automatically for all instances of the library widget. Almost all widget types in Pangea CMS can be created as library widgets.
- See also: Independent widget | Widget library | Widget
List with thumbnails
A layout that can be enabled for a Category page. When the "List with thumbnails" layout is enabled, the Category page displays a simple teaser for every content page from the Category. This is a highly versatile layout, suitable for promoting a mixture of content types.
- See also: Category page | Teaser
Live blog
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Live blog content type lets you cover developing live events in real-time by publishing a series of posts on a live feed.
Live streaming
A method for delivering live video / audio content continuously over the internet in real-time. If your service produces live video / audio content, you can use Pangea CMS to send the live stream to the public site, social media accounts, and the mobile app.
- See also: Manual live stream | Scheduler & Template week
Live stream widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. The Live stream widget lets you send a live video / audio stream to the public site. This widget receives input from the Scheduler & Template week tool in Pangea CMS.
- See also: Scheduler & Template week | Widget
See Site localization.
Loop video
A short video that plays on repeat with no sound. Loop videos are typically no more than around 10-15 seconds in length. On Pangea sites, a Loop video can be displayed on a Content widget or as the Main visual on a content page. The Loop video upload tool in Pangea CMS creates Loop videos from regular video files.
- See also: Content widget
Manual live stream
A tool in Pangea CMS that lets services set up a live video stream at very short notice. Manual live stream is ideal for reporting on breaking news stories and special events. Send a stream to one or more social media accounts, as well as to the public site. Before you can send a stream to the public site, your site must first include a Manual stream widget.
- See also: Live streaming | Manual stream widget
Manual stream widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. The Manual stream widget lets you send a live video stream to the public site. This widget receives input from the Manual live stream tool in Pangea CMS.
- See also: Manual live stream | Widget
Media slider
A special layout option that is available for the Content widget. The Media slider layout lets visitors scroll through a selection of content pages on a horizontal slider reel.
- See also: Content widget
Loosely defined as data about data. For our purposes, metadata is included in the source code for every page on the public site. The primary purpose of this metadata is to help search engines understand the content on the page. Metadata impacts how the page is previewed on search engine results pages and how the page ranks for different search queries.
- See also: Meta title | Meta description | Meta keywords
Meta title
A special title for a webpage that is included in the page metadata.
- See also: Metadata
Meta description
A special description for a webpage that is included in the page metadata.
- See also: Metadata
Meta keywords
A collection of keywords that describe the content on a webpage. Meta keywords might be included in the metadata for a webpage. Meta keywords no longer factor in the ranking algorithms for Google and most other popular search engines. However, meta keywords might still influence how the page ranks via search engines such as Yandex and Baidu.
Multimedia archive
The default layout for TV and Radio Categories. When the "Multimedia archive" layout is enabled for a Category, a header with clickable tabs is displayed on the Category page and on content pages from the Category. This helps visitors engage with the content and move from page to page without getting lost.
- See also: Category page | Landing | Radio Category | TV Category
Multimedia distribution
A tool in Pangea CMS that lets you conveniently send video content to connected social media accounts. Choose from:
- On-demand video: Learn more
- Automated streaming: Learn more
Multimedia widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. The Multimedia widget lets you share on-demand multimedia content across the public site. A single Multimedia widget can share one content item at a time. The player is available directly on the widget, so visitors can immediately start watching or listening without opening a new page.
- See also: Widget
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The News content type is intended for sharing news content. This means time-sensitive stories that are typically promoted for a short time and then replaced by newer content.
On-demand video / audio
Pre-recorded video / audio content that visitors can access at any time.
A mobile app, designed specially for field journalists. Using PangeaGO, journalists can upload videos, images, audio clips, and simple articles to Pangea CMS.
Photo gallery
A type of multimedia content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Photo gallery content type lets you display a collection of compelling images that might be tied to a particular region, topic, or event. A Photo gallery might be shared as a standalone content page. Alternatively, embed a Photo gallery directly on other pages.
An image creator. For a photo, this is often the person who physically took the photo. When you upload a new image to Pangea CMS, you can assign a photographer. In most cases, you should select a photographer from one of the approved lists (Courtesy photographers or RFE/RL photographers). Only the Pangea team can add new photographers to these approved lists. Contact us to add a new photographer.
- See also: Courtesy photographer | RFE/RL photographer
Podcast widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. The Podcast widget lets you promote podcast content across the public site. Each Podcast widget is connected to one podcast. The widget updates automatically, so it always promotes the latest episode from the podcast.
- See also: Widget
A type of interactive content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Poll content type lets you run a public survey on your site. Effective use of Polls can increase audience engagement and encourage visitors to return to your site.
Primary Category
The main Category for a content page. Every content page in Pangea CMS has one Primary Category. Any additional Categories are added as Secondary Categories. Both Primary and Secondary Categories impact how the content is shared. However, only the Primary Category impacts the layout and design of the page.
- See also: Category
Primary navigation
A navigation item that is available via the ≡ (three lines) button on Pangea sites. The Primary navigation typically provides an overview of your site structure. The Primary navigation can be updated from Pangea CMS.
A type of interactive content that can be created in Pangea CMS.
Radio Category
A type of Category with special settings, optimized for promoting audio content. A Radio Category might include general audio content, or it might be used to share episodes from a specific Broadcast program or podcast.
- See also: Broadcast program | Category | Landing | Multimedia archive
Right Responsive Region
An alternative name for a Region.
A segment that might be displayed on content pages. On desktop, a Region is displayed in one column on the right side of the content page. On mobile and tablet, a Region is displayed below the main content. The purpose of a Region is to promote other content that might be of interest and keep visitors on your site longer. Each Region is custom built from widgets.
RFE/RL photographer
A type of photographer that can be assigned to an image in Pangea CMS. An RFE/RL photographer is any approved photographer employed by RFE/RL.
- See also: Photographer
RSS feed
A web feed that lets visitors access updates to your site in a standardized, computer-readable format. On Pangea sites, any Category can be shared as an RSS feed. This lets visitors subscribe via a third-party RSS reader app to be notified about new content.
- See also: Category
Scheduler & Template week
A tool in Pangea CMS that lets services build and maintain a schedule for automated streaming. Use Scheduler & Template week to manage the schedule for regular Broadcast programs and Video shows that stream new unique episodes at the same time each week.
- See also: Broadcast program | Live stream widget | Live streaming | Tubes | Video show
Secondary Category
See Primary Category.
A type of page on the public site. A Section page typically promotes the latest content on a specific topic. Your homepage is also an example of a Section page. You can build and update Section pages from Pangea CMS. Use layout blocks to define a custom layout and add the content using widgets.
- See also: Custom URL | Sub navigation | Widget
A component on a page that is custom built from widgets. A single segment might be displayed on many different pages. A segment is not a standalone page and does not have its own URL.
- See also: Landing | Region | Widget | You Might Also Like
Stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the practice of optimizing webpages to increase the traffic that comes to your site via the free results section on search engine results pages. To maintain effective SEO for your site, it is necessary to track and optimize many different metrics.
- See also: Alt text
Site localization
A tool in Pangea CMS that lets services translate the text on webpages to the local language for the site.
Slide-in widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. The Slide-in widget slides in at the bottom of a content page after a visitor starts scrolling.
- See also: Widget
Slider gallery
A type of multimedia content that can be created in Pangea CMS. A Slider gallery includes one or more image pairs that typically contrast how a place has transformed over time. Visitors can interact with each image pair by dragging the slider backwards and forwards to inspect both images.
See URL slug.
A type of interactive content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Snippet content type is primarily intended for creating custom embeds. For example, your service might create an interactive map, graphic, or quiz to embed into the body of an Article. Only users with advanced knowledge of CSS / JavaScript have the rights to create a new Snippet from Pangea CMS.
Social media teaser
The teaser for a content page that is displayed when the page is shared via social media. You can customize the social media teaser for a content page from Pangea CMS. An automatic social media image might be included in the social media teaser.
- See also: Teaser | Automatic social media image
See GDB Source.
Static infographics
A type of interactive content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Static infographics content type is optimized for displaying images that include text and other fine details (such as infographics and cartoons).
Stealth published
A publication status that is available for videos. A stealth video does not have a standalone content page or a public URL. Additionally, stealth videos are not indexed by search engines and do not appear on search engine results pages. A stealth video might be embedded on a text content page, or it might be sent to a third-party CMS through an API.
- See also: Video | Embedded content
See Live streaming.
Sub navigation
A navigation item that might be included on any Section or Infopage. A Sub navigation is a collection of links organized horizontally that is displayed below the site header. This provides quick access to key pages. Sub navigations can be created and managed from Pangea CMS.
Custom labels or descriptive keywords that can be added in the settings for any content page. Tags are added as meta keywords for the page. Your site might also use Tags to filter search results via Search in Pangea CMS and optimize search results on the public site.
- See also: Meta keywords
A simple preview of a content page. A teaser should generate interest in the story and make visitors want to open the page. Content page teasers are displayed in various places on the public site and via social media platforms.
- See also: List with thumbnails | Social media teaser | Website teaser | Widget teaser
The process of systematically converting one system of writing to another based on phonetic similarity. For example, д in Cyrillic script is often transliterated to d in Latin script. Pangea CMS offers automatic transliteration for URL slugs and author bio page URLs. This functionality can be enabled for individual sites on request.
Trends widget
A type of widget that can be built in Pangea CMS. A Trends widget lists the current "trending" content pages from your site. This means content pages that have received a high number of views within a specified time period (based on Adobe Analytics data).
- See also: Widget
A type of text content that can be created in Pangea CMS. The Transcript content type is intended for sharing a written record of video or audio content.
A connection between your site and a source of live video / audio content. Your site might have one or multiple tubes with connections to different sources. Each tube creates a new schedule for automated streaming. Manage the schedule for each tube using the Scheduler & Template week tool in Pangea CMS.
- See also: Scheduler & Template week
TV Category
A type of Category with special settings, optimized for promoting video content. A TV Category might include general video content, or it might be used to share episodes from a specific Video show or podcast.
- See also: Category | Landing | Multimedia archive | Video show
URL redirection
A tool in Pangea CMS that lets you create a URL redirect from an invalid URL to any valid URL. This is useful if the URL for a webpage is changed, or if a webpage is unpublished.
URL slug
The part of a URL that identifies the page. When you create a content page in Pangea CMS, you can create a URL slug that is added to the URL. A URL slug is normally a few words of descriptive, human-readable text, separated by hyphens.
User group
A group of users with access to Pangea CMS. Each User group matches a defined role or level of access. You cannot log in to Pangea CMS until you are added to a User group. Your User group controls which tools you can access in CMS. You should only be able to access the necessary tools to perform your role.
Stands for U.S. Agency For Global Media. All entities that use Pangea CMS are overseen by USAGM.
- See also: Entity | USAGM Direct
USAGM Direct
An external site operated by USAGM. USAGM Direct lets registered affiliates access selected video and audio content from USAGM networks. Video and audio content can be sent to USAGM Direct from Pangea CMS.
- See also: USAGM
A type of multimedia content that can be created in Pangea CMS. Two methods are available for creating a Video. The first method is to manually upload a video file to Pangea CMS. Alternatively, you can request that a live Video show is recorded. The recording will be saved in Pangea CMS as a Video. You can then complete the settings that control how the Video is displayed and promoted on the public site. A Video might be shared as a standalone content page. Alternatively, embed the video player directly on other pages.
- See also: Stealth published | Video show
Video show
A live video / TV show that streams regular episodes according to a pre-defined schedule. Use the Scheduler & Template week tool in Pangea CMS to manage the schedule for live Video shows.
- See also: Landing | Scheduler & Template week | TV Category | Video
Website teaser
The default teaser for a content page that is displayed when the content page is promoted on the public site (for example, on widgets and Category pages). You can customize the default website teaser for any content page from Pangea CMS.
- See also: Category page | Teaser | Widget | Widget teaser
An interactive page element, which is typically used to present your website content. Pangea CMS offers a wide variety of widget types that serve different purposes.
- See also: Breaking news widget | Content widget | HTML widget | Independent widget | Infopage | Landing | Library widget | Live stream widget | Manual stream widget | Multimedia widget | Podcast widget | Region | Section | Segment | Slide-in widget | Trends widget | Website teaser | Widget library | Widget list | Widget teaser | You Might Also Like
Widget library
A tool in Pangea CMS for managing widgets. In the Widget library, you can create and manage library widgets.
- See also: Library widget | Widget
Widget list
A tool in Pangea CMS for managing widgets. On the Widget list, view a list of all the widgets that your site currently has saved in Pangea CMS.
- See also: Widget
Widget teaser
A custom teaser for a content page that is displayed only on one widget. The custom widget teaser replaces the default website teaser for the content page on the current widget only. This option is not available for all widgets.
- See also: Teaser | Website teaser | Widget
You Might Also Like (YMAL)
A segment that might be displayed on content pages. A You Might Also Like (YMAL) is displayed below the main content on the page. The purpose of a YMAL is to promote other content that might be of interest and keep visitors on your site longer. Each YMAL is custom built from widgets.
The old name for a Category in Pangea CMS.