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Introducing CMS 8


What's inside this article:

Basic information

We are currently working on a long-term project to migrate all pages in Pangea CMS from CMS 7 to CMS 8.

This article explains everything you need to know about CMS 8 migration.

What is CMS 7?

CMS 7 is our old strategy for designing and developing pages in Pangea CMS. CMS 7 remains a robust and functional solution. Pangea CMS still includes many CMS 7 pages, all of which can be used without issue or concern.

What is CMS 8?

CMS 8 is our latest strategy for designing and developing pages in Pangea CMS.

But what does this mean in practice? Learn more in the sections below:

CMS 8 design

CMS 8 design strategy has user experience at its core. CMS 8 features are built from a library of shared components according to a set of agreed design rules. This helps us to:

  • Build features that are intuitive and easy to use.
  • Create a unified and cohesive experience across Pangea CMS.

CMS 8 development

CMS 8 is about more than just look and feel. Compared to CMS 7 pages, CMS 8 pages are built using a more modern and flexible development framework. This means:

  • Improved speed and performance. Pages load faster with fewer bugs and glitches.
  • Reinforced security. Pages are secured against advanced threats and hacking techniques.

Why did CMS 8 migration start?

We started CMS 8 migration in response to the following challenges:

  • Pangea now operates under the US Federal Government. We need a solution that is compliant with with the latest FISMA regulations.
  • Hackers are using more varied and sophisticated techniques. We need a future-proof solution that is fully secured against a wider range of potential attacks.
  • More advanced technology is now available for web development. We can build a faster and more efficient solution.
  • User experience is a fast-growing field. We need a modern and intuitive solution that meets user expectations.

What is the timeline for CMS 8 development?

We're migrating pages to CMS 8 individually.

2-3 pages are typically migrated with each Pangea release. We started with the most commonly used pages (such as Search and Article edit). All pages that our users interact with on a daily basis are already migrated to CMS 8. We are now working on pages that are used more occasionally.

What is priority during CMS 8 development?

Our top priority during CMS 8 migration is security (especially compliance with FISMA regulations). Because Pangea now operates under the US Federal Government, it is essential that CMS is FISMA compliant as soon as is realistically possible.

We never migrate a page to CMS 8 without bringing usability improvements. However, because of time constraints, we normally cannot make significant changes to existing functionality during CMS 8 migration.

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