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Request training

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Basic information

Pangea Customer Care offers one-on-one training sessions to help our users get the most out of Pangea CMS.

This works as follows:

  • We offer training for both new and experienced users.
  • Topics will be tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • A session typically lasts one hour (maximally two hours).
  • Sessions take place online via Microsoft Teams.

Request training

To request a training session:

  1. Go to the Pangea Customer Care portal and open a User request.
  2. Complete the following required fields:
    • Entity and site: Select the name of your entity and site.
    • Product: Select "Website Backend CMS".
    • Title: Enter "Training request" (or similar).
    • Description: Describe your requirements.
  3. Select Send.

Your request is now submitted. A Pangea Customer Care specialist will contact you as soon as possible with the details about your training.

Describe your requirements

When you request training, we ask that you provide the following details:

  • Your preferred date and time for the training (find information about when training is available under Frequently asked).
  • Your position.
  • A brief description of your duties.

If you are an experienced Pangea CMS user, you might also mention:

  • Any specific features you want us to cover in the training.
  • Any specific challenges you face while using CMS.

Frequently asked

When is training available?

For Prague-based colleagues, training can be arranged on weekdays between 9am-5pm (Prague time). If you are based in a different time zone, training is only available within Prague business hours. For colleagues based in DC and Miami, training is normally scheduled to start at 10am (DC / Miami time).

Can I choose the time and date for my training?

When you request training, you can include a preferred time and date in the ticket. We will do our best to schedule your training at the requested time. However, this depends on the availability of our Customer Care specialists.

How far in advance should I request training?

If you need your training to be scheduled at a specific time, we ask that you make the request at least one week in advance.

In which languages is training offered?

We currently offer training in the following languages:

  • English
  • Georgian
  • Romanian
  • Ukrainian

If you want training in a language other than English, please specify in your request.

Can I request training for a group?

Yes. However, it is important to ensure that each participant has the same training requirements.

How can I prepare for my training?

Training is run online through Microsoft Teams. The only requirement is to ensure that you are familiar with this software. You do not need access to Pangea CMS before the training, but this can be provided on request.

If desired, you can review relevant articles from the Pangea CMS Guide to familiarize yourself with the topics and features that will be covered during your training.

Can I get access to Pangea CMS before my training?

We can provide access to our training environment on request. This is an isolated environment (or sandbox), where you can explore CMS and try using the different features. If you want access to the training environment before your training, let us know in your request. We will also need information about your required access level.

We can only provide access to our training environment. Access to public-facing sites requires approval from the service director.

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