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Stealth publish a video

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Basic information

The Stealth published status is available for all videos in Pangea CMS. After you save a video with the Stealth published status:

  • A standalone content page is not created for the video.
  • The video does not have a public URL and is not automatically accessible on the web.
  • The video is not indexed by search engines and does not appear on search engine results pages.

Stealth publication has two possible purposes:

Create a video for use only as an embed

You can directly embed a stealth video on a text content page using the inline embed functionality in Pangea CMS (same as a regularly-published video).

Stealth publication is useful if a video will be embedded on a content page, but the video is not suitable for sharing as a piece of standalone content. For example, your service might create a short video to play a supporting role in an article.

Send a video to a third-party CMS without publishing it on the web

A limited number of Pangea services (including Votvot) use a third-party CMS to maintain an OTT (Over-The-Top) app for mobile / smart TV. For these services, a special API is configured that delivers content from Pangea CMS to the relevant third-party CMS. A stealth video is automatically delivered to the third-party CMS through the API. However, the video is not published on the web.

IMPORTANT: This functionality applies only for OTT apps that are maintained using a third-party CMS (not Pangea CMS). Stealth videos are not sent automatically to Pangea mobile apps.

Stealth publish a video

The steps below assume that the video file has already been uploaded to Pangea CMS. For instructions, see the following article:

You can find the uploaded video file on the main Search screen in Pangea CMS (the content type is Video). Hit the title to open the video settings. For information about running a content search, see the following article:

To stealth publish a video:

  1. If necessary, update the video settings.
  2. Select the Stealth published status.
  3. Hit Publish / Publish & close.

The video is now published as a stealth video.

Update the video settings

You need to complete the following settings, which are required for every video:

  • Via General > Title, add the video title.
  • Via General > Categories, add the video to at least one Category. For a stealth video, the selected Categories only impact internal organization in Pangea CMS. Stealth videos are not promoted on Category pages or widgets.

For further details, go to the relevant section below (depending on the purpose of the video):

Create a video for use only as an embed

Only the Title for the video is displayed on the public site.

We also suggest defining the video thumbnail. The thumbnail is displayed in the video player before the video is played. For instructions, see the following article:

Send a video to a third-party CMS

All standard metadata that you provide in the video settings is included in the API and might be delivered to the third-party CMS. This includes the following metadata:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Categories
  • Content
  • Website teaser settings
  • Authors

NOTE: Some data might not be delivered to your third-party CMS. This depends which data the CMS supports.

Before you stealth publish a video from Pangea CMS, ensure all the required metadata is provided (according to the individual needs of your service).

Directly embed a stealth video

You can directly embed a stealth video using the inline embed functionality in Pangea CMS.

This functionality lets you directly embed a stealth video (published by your own site) on any of the following text content pages:

  • Article
  • Blog
  • Feature
  • Feature story
  • Live blog
  • News
  • Transcript

For detailed instructions, see the following article:

NOTE: It is not possible to embed a stealth video on external sites using an embed code.

Find a stealth video

Via search in Pangea CMS, a stealth video has the Stealth published status.

This status is included in the Published search filter.

For information about running a content search, see the following article: