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Create a Video


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Basic information

This article provides an overview of the available settings on the Video edit page in Pangea CMS.

The Video edit page is available after you have manually uploaded the video file to Pangea CMS. To learn how to upload a video file, see the alternative article below:

Define the video thumbnail

The video thumbnail (sometimes called a "poster" or "player image") is the image that is displayed in the video player before the video is played.

The following options are available for defining the video thumbnail:

  • Video frame: Use a frame (timepoint) from the video file.
  • Website teaser: Use the website teaser image.
  • Image upload: Upload a custom image.

Choose your preferred option via Video > Thumbnail

For detailed information, see the following article:

Add the main title and URL slug

Add the main title for the via via General > Title.

The title is displayed on various public pages and is also important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). For details, see the following article:

We also suggest creating a URL slug. A URL slug is included in the URL for the video page. Creating a URL slug improves usability and SEO.

Create a URL slug via General > URL slug.

Follow the guidelines below:

  • Use the local language for your site.
  • Use clear, human-readable language.
  • Match the URL slug to the content on the specific page.
  • Separate words with hyphens ("new-york" not "newyork").

Try to keep the URL slug concise. This means:

  • Include just words that are essential to convey meaning.
  • Do not include words with no semantic value (such as "a" and "the").
  • Do not include prepositions and linking words (such as "and", "of", and "at")

For detailed information with examples, see the following article:

NOTE: For stealth videos, it is not necessary to create a URL slug, as stealth videos do not have a public URL.

Add Categories

Categories organize the content on your site by topic. For example, your site might have a "Politics" Category for all content relating to politics. Every content page has at least one Category. The Categories impact how and where the content is shared.

Add one or more Categories via General > Categories. Before you can save the page, you need to add at least one Category.

If you add multiple Categories, one Primary Category must be selected. Click your chosen Primary Category so it is marked blue.

The name of the Primary Category is displayed at the top of the published video page. The name functions as a link to the Category page for the Category. Your chosen Primary Category might also impact the layout and design of the published content page. For details, see the following article:

Add an introduction

An introduction tells visitors what to expect from the video and might be displayed on a number of public pages. A content page with an effective introduction looks more attractive when it is shared and previewed.

Add the introduction via General > Introduction. To display the introduction on the video page, tick Display introduction.

NOTE: The Display introduction setting controls if the introduction is displayed on the video page. Even if this option is unticked, the introduction might still be displayed on other public pages.

The Introduction field only supports plain text. To include links to other pages, you can instead enter content via General > Content.

Manage other settings

The following settings are available in the left panel and might also be helpful:

  • Podcast: Add season / episode labels if the video is a podcast episode.
  • Multimedia distribution: Send the video to social media accounts.
  • Website teaser: Customize the website teaser for the video page.
  • Social media: Customize the social media teaser for the video page.
  • Authors: Add one or more authors to the video page.
  • Tags: Add tags to organize content internally.

Save and publish content

For detailed information about saving and publishing content pages in Pangea CMS, see the following article:

The special Stealth published publication status is available for videos. For details, see the following article: