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Add podcast episodes


What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to share an Audio clip as an episode of a particular podcast.

Follow the steps in the sections below in order.

Upload the audio file

Go to Create > Multimedia > Audio clip to upload the audio file to Pangea CMS.

For detailed information about the upload process, see the following article:

Set the Primary Category

Every podcast is connected to a Category in Pangea CMS. For details, see the following article:

To share an Audio clip as an episode of a particular podcast, add the Audio clip to the Category that is connected to the podcast. The podcast Category must be selected as the Primary Category for the Audio clip. Follow these steps from the Audio clip edit screen in Pangea CMS:

  1. Go to General in the left panel.
  2. Under Categories, select the podcast Category.
  3. Click the badge for the podcast Category so it turns blue. This action sets the Category as the Primary Category.

You can now add episode labels.

Add episode labels

To add episode labels, hit Podcast in the left panel.

Episode labels will impact how the podcast is promoted via third-party podcast platforms that follow Apple guidelines for podcast distribution. This includes Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many more.

NOTE: The episode labels in Pangea CMS do not impact how podcasts are promoted on Pangea sites.

The available labels differ, according to the type of podcast (Episodic or Serial). Check the type of podcast next to Podcast type.

The podcast type is set via the connected Category settings in Pangea CMS. For detailed information, see the following article:

For information about the available episode labels, go to the relevant section below (according to the type of podcast):

Episodic podcasts

The following options are available under Episode type:

  • Full (selected by default): Intended for regular episodes of the podcast.
  • Bonus: Intended for extra podcast content, such as behind-the-scenes information and interviews with the cast.
  • Trailer: Intended for short promotional content, which provides a preview of the podcast.

Serial podcasts

The following options are available under Episode type:

  • Full (selected by default): Intended for regular episodes of the podcast.
  • Bonus: Intended for extra podcast content, such as behind-the-scenes information and interviews with the cast.
  • Trailer: Intended for short promotional content, which provides a preview of the podcast.

If Full is selected for Episode type, it is also required to provide the following details:

  • Season: Enter the season number for the episode (maximum value 999).
  • Episode: Enter the episode number within the season (maximum value 999).

NOTE: Third-party podcast platforms will only display the season number for podcasts that have multiple seasons. If the podcast has just one season, enter 1 under Season. The season number will only be displayed if another season becomes available.

For Bonus / Trailer content, you can choose whether to add season and episode numbers. The following rules apply:

  • If you add a season and episode number:
    • The episode is promoted as a Bonus / Trailer for the specific episode.
  • If you add just a season number
    • The episode is promoted as a Bonus / Trailer for the specific season.
  • If you add no season or episode number
    • The episode is promoted as a Bonus / Trailer for the podcast.

Publish the Audio clip

The Audio clip will not be shared as a podcast episode until it is published. When you are ready, follow these steps:

  1. Select Published in the status drop-down menu.
  2. Hit Publish or Publish & close.

You can also schedule automatic publication for a specific time and date in the future. For instructions, see the following article: