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Upload audio files


What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to upload audio files to Pangea CMS.

The following file types are supported:

  • .mp3
  • .ogg
  • .wav
  • .aac
  • .m4a

The maximum size for an individual file is 500 MB.

Upload a single audio file

To upload a single audio file, go to Create > Multimedia > Audio clip.

Select the file you want to upload using one of the methods below:

  • Select the file, and drag and drop it into the box.
  • Hit Browse files, and navigate to the location on your device where the file is saved. Select the file.

The Audio edit screen appears as soon as the upload starts. This lets you add the Audio clip settings while the upload is still in progress.

To learn about the Audio clip settings, see the following article:

Upload multiple audio files

Pangea CMS can upload up to two audio files simultaneously. You might select more than two audio files for upload, but the third file will not start uploading until one of the first two files is fully uploaded.

To upload multiple audio files, go to Create > Multimedia > Audio clip.

Select the files you want to upload using one of the methods below:

  • Select all the files, and drag and drop them into the box.
  • Hit Browse files and navigate to the location on your device where the files are saved. Select all the files, and click Open.

The Upload manager appears in the top-right corner of Pangea CMS. To start adding the Audio clip settings, hover over the relevant panel and select the Edit button.

To learn about the Audio clip settings, see the following article:

Find an Audio clip

After the upload is complete, the audio file is saved automatically in Pangea CMS as an Audio clip with the Draft status.

Follow these basic steps to find an Audio clip from the main Search screen in CMS:

  1. Hit Clear to restore the default search filters.
  2. Select Audio clip under Content type.
  3. Hit Search to refresh the search results.

The Audio clip should normally appear in the search results. Hit the title to open the Audio clip edit screen.

To learn about running a search in CMS, see the following article:

To learn about the available options on the Audio clip edit screen, see the following article:

Check the upload progress

Check the upload progress via Audio > Preview on the Audio clip edit screen.

You normally see the following statuses in order:

  1. Uploading: Pangea CMS is uploading the audio file.
  2. Processing: Pangea CMS is encoding the audio file.
  3. Playback options: The audio file is fully processed and ready to publish.

In rare cases, you might see the Failed status. For details, go to Troubleshooting.


If an upload fails, you see the Failed status in the search results and on the Audio clip edit screen.

We suggest replacing the audio file from the Audio clip edit screen. When you use this option, you will not lose any unsaved work on the Audio clip edit screen. To replace the file, hit Replace. You can then upload the file again.

If the issue persists, contact Pangea Customer Care so we can investigate.

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