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Run a content search


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Basic information

This article explains how to search for content in Pangea CMS.

The images in this article show the main Search screen. However, the information also applies for other content searches you might run in CMS (such as searching for content to promote on a widget).

NOTE: To learn how to run an image search, see our separate guide.

Run a search

To run a content search:

  1. Select the Content tab.
  2. Hit Clear to restore the default search filters.
  3. Set the search filters, according to your needs.
  4. Hit Search.

The results refresh to show only the items that match your defined search filters.

If desired, sort the search results.

Sort results

You can set the order of the results via the Sort drop-down menu.

The following options are available:

  • Latest modified: Items modified most recently are listed first.
  • First modified: Items modified the furthest back in time are listed first.
  • Latest published: Items published most recently are listed first.
  • First published: Items published the furthest back in time are listed first.

Set the search filters

Use filters to narrow the search results and quickly find specific content. For example, set the filters to see only Articles published in the last 24 hours.

In the sections below, find a description of the possible filters for a content search:


Enter keywords in the Type to search by keywords... box.

You can enter a single word or a phrase. The results will include only items that contain the exact keyword or phrase in one of following fields:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Content

Consider surrounding a phrase with quotes ("") for more precise results. For example, if you enter "cats are wonderful creatures" (with quotes), the results will include only items that contain this exact phrase. If you enter cats are wonderful creatures (with no quotes), the results will also include items that contain just individual keywords.


You can find content created by other sites under the same entity. For example, if your site is under the entity RFE/RL, you can search for content from other RFE/RL sites.

Under Sites, one option must be selected. Based on your selection, the results will include:

  • This site: Only content created by the current site.
  • Other sites: Content created by all sites from your entity (excluding the current site).
  • All sites: Content created by all sites from your entity (including the current site).
  • Specific site: Content created by the specific site you select.

You cannot edit content from other sites. However, the following options might be useful:

  • Open a published content page on the public site.
  • Copy or clone a published content item.

Publication date

Under Publication date, one option must be selected. Based on your selection, the results will include:

  • Today: Only items published during the current day.
  • Last 24 hours: Only items published in the last 24 hours.
  • Last 7 days: Only items published in the last 7 days.
  • Last 30 days: Only items published in the last 30 days.
  • All: All valid items regardless of publication date.
  • Custom: Only items published during the custom time period you define.
  • Scheduled: Only items with scheduled publication.

NOTE: If an item is not published (for example, if it is in Draft status), the publication date is defined according to the date of creation (when the item was first saved in CMS).

Content type

Under Content type, optionally select one or more content types. The results will only include your selected content types.


Under Categories, optionally select one or more Categories. The results will only include items from the selected Categories.

Categories in Pangea CMS organize the content on your site by topic. For example, your site might have a "Politics" Category for all content relating to politics. For details, see the following article:


Under Status, optionally select one or more status groups. Based on your selection, the results will include:

  • Draft: Items with the Draft status.
  • Edited: Items with the Edited status.
  • Published: Items with the Published, Stealth published, and Scheduled statuses.
  • Waiting: Items with the Canceled, Draft, Processing, Uploading, Upload failed, and Waiting statuses.

Every content item in Pangea CMS has an assigned status. An icon representing the status is visible next to the title in the search results. Hover over the icon to see the exact status.

For detailed information about the purpose of each status, see the following article:


Under Authors, optionally select one or more authors. The results will only include items produced by the selected authors.

Click inside the box and start typing to quickly find a specific author (search based on first name, last name, or English name).

Authors are content creators. One or more authors can be added to any content page. For details, see the following article:

Modified by

Under Modified by, optionally select one or more CMS users. The results will only include items that have previously been edited by the selected CMS users.

Click inside the box and start typing to quickly find a specific user (search based on first name, last name, or username).


Under Tags, optionally select one or more Tags. The results will only include items that are assigned to the selected Tags.

Click inside the box and start typing to quickly find a specific Tag.

Tags are labels or descriptive keywords that can be assigned in the settings for any content item. Some services use Tags to organize content internally. For detailed information, see the following article:

Include deleted content

No content item is permanently deleted from Pangea CMS. A deleted content item is removed from the public site, but it can always be restored in CMS.

If you tick Include Deleted Content, the results will include deleted content.

Deleted items are marked red in the search results. You can edit or restore a deleted item by hitting the relevant button in the item box.

Find scheduled content

Pangea CMS lets you schedule automatic publication of a content page for a specific time and date in the future. For details, see the following article:

To quickly find scheduled content using CMS search:

  1. Select Scheduled under Publication date & time in the search filters.
  2. Under Status, either leave nothing selected or select Published.
  3. Hit Search.

The results include only scheduled content. Scheduled content is marked with the Scheduled icon.


If you struggle to find content using search, review the sections below:

Use the Editorial bar

The Editorial bar lets you start editing a published page directly from the public site. This removes the need to find the page on the main Search screen in Pangea CMS.

For details, see the following article:

Clear search filters

When you run a search, CMS stores the search filters and applies them for future searches. If you cannot find a specific item, the results might be limited by a previous filter. Hit Clear to restore the default filters before running a new search.

Find older content

By default, the search results only include items published in the last 30 days. To find older content, select All under Publication date.