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Create a Category for podcast distribution


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Basic information

If your service produces podcasts, every podcast is connected to one Category in Pangea CMS. This works basically as follows:

  • Audio podcasts: Each podcast is connected to a Radio Category. Every Audio clip that is added to the Category is shared as an episode of the podcast.
  • Video podcasts: Each podcast is connected to a TV Category. Every Video that is added to the Category is shared as an episode of the podcast.

From the Edit Category (Zone) screen in Pangea CMS, you can control how each podcast is promoted on the public site and via third-party platforms (such as Apple Podcasts and YouTube Music).

This article describes the settings that are important for podcast distribution when you create a TV / Radio Category in Pangea CMS.

Open the Category settings

To open the list of Categories for your site, go to Settings > Categories (Zones).

Follow the relevant step below:

  • To edit an existing Category, select the name.
  • To create a new Category, select + Add new.

The Edit Category (Zone) screen opens.

General settings

The following general settings on the Edit Category (Zone) screen are important for podcast distribution:


Under Title, enter the name of the podcast.

The title is displayed:

  • On the public site
  • On third-party podcast platforms (such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify)

Program pages

Under Program Pages, select the appropriate option:

  • Radio: Create a Radio Category to share an audio podcast.
  • TV: Create a TV Category to share a video podcast.

Program description

Under Program Description, enter a brief description of the podcast.

The description is displayed:

  • On the public site
  • On third-party podcast platforms (such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify)

Program image

Under Program image, add original artwork for the podcast in horizontal format. We suggest adding an image that fits the 16:9 aspect ratio.

NOTE: Learn more about aspect ratio in our dedicated guide.

The Program image is only displayed on the public site. For example, it is displayed on the RSS / Podcasts page.

Podcast enabled

If the Category is intended for podcast distribution, it is essential to tick the box next to Podcast Enabled.

The main podcast settings are only available when this option is ticked.

Podcast settings

The following podcast settings are only available when Podcast enabled is ticked:

Podcast image

Under Podcast Image, provide original artwork for the podcast in square format. The image must meet the following criteria:

  • Resolution: Minimum 3000px x 3000px
  • Format: .png or .jpg

The Podcast Image is displayed on third-party podcast platforms (such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify). The image is used as the main image for the podcast, as well as the image for every individual episode.

The Podcast Image is also displayed on the public site (for example, on the subscription options dialog).

Tracking ID

Under Tracking ID, you might enter a tracking ID to include in the RSS feed for the podcast. This allows consumption tracking across various distribution platforms. A tracking ID might be provided and configured by the Digital Strategy team for your entity.

Podcast category

Under Podcast Category, select the most appropriate category for the podcast. Your selection determines how the podcast is categorized on third-party podcast platforms (such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify).

Podcast type

Under Podcast Type, select the appropriate podcast type:

  • Episodic (selected by default): Episodes are stand-alone units that can be played in any order.
  • Serial: Episodes are part of a continuous narrative that is told chronologically.

If you select Serial, it will be required to add a season and episode number for each new episode of the podcast. For details, see the following article:

Your selection determines how the podcast is promoted on third-party podcast platforms (such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify).

NOTE: If you change an existing podcast from Episodic to Serial, we suggest reviewing recent episodes of the podcast in Pangea CMS and adding the correct season and episode numbers. However, this is not necessary for all previous episodes.

Third-party URLs

A URL box is available for each third-party podcast platform that is supported in Pangea CMS. When the podcast is listed on a new platform, enter the third-party URL. This means the URL for the main podcast page on the website of the third-party podcast platform.

When a visitor hits Subscribe on the public site, a list of links to third-party podcast platforms is provided. The list includes all platforms that have a URL added on the Edit Category (Zone) screen.

Save changes

When you are satisfied, hit Save to save changes to the Category.

If you leave the Edit Category (Zone) screen without hitting Save, all changes will be lost and you will not be notified.