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Build a Breaking news widget


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Basic information

The Breaking news widget is intended for sharing high-interest breaking news stories. While active, a Breaking news widget is displayed at the top of every page on the public site.

NOTE: Breaking news widgets are not sent to the mobile app.

A Breaking news widget might include the following elements:

  • (A): Breaking News badge: Displayed on every Breaking news widget.
  • (B): Clickable headline: The headline for the story. Functions as a link.
  • (C): Arrows: Available if the widget includes multiple items. Lets visitors browse the items.

Build a new widget

To start building a new Breaking news widget, go to Build > Breaking news. The widget builder opens in the same tab.

Add a link to a content page

To add a link to a published content page:

  1. Hit Set manual content.
  2. Set the search filters according to your needs. Then, hit Search to refresh the search results.
  3. Select the item you want to add.

The item appears under Attached items. If desired, you can continue to add more items. Hit Save to confirm the selection.

Add a placeholder link

A placeholder is a custom widget item. For each placeholder on a Breaking news widget, you need to manually define the headline and link. This is useful if you need to link to a page from an external site, or if you need to link to a page that is not a content page (such as a Section page).

To create a placeholder:

  1. Go to Set manual content > + Add placeholder.
  2. Enter a headline in the Title box.
  3. Under Link, define the link.
  4. When you are satisfied, hit Save > Save.

The placeholder is now displayed in the widget builder.

Create a custom headline

For a link to a content page, you can create a custom headline to display on the Breaking news widget. If you do not create a custom headline, the headline is defined as follows (if 1 is not filled, the data is taken from 2):

  1. The Title field in the Website teaser settings for the content page.
  2. The Title field in the General settings for the content page.

To create a custom headline:

  1. Hit Add teaser / Edit teaser in the item box.
  2. Under Title, enter the custom headline.
  3. Select your preferred option:
    • Update widget teaser: Display the custom headline on the current widget only.
    • Update website teaser: Display the custom headline on the current widget and replace the website teaser title for the content page.

The custom headline is now displayed under Title on the right side of the item box.

Set the expiration time

Under Expiration time, set for how long each item will be displayed on the widget. The default expiration time is 30 minutes. Optionally select one of these alternative values:

  • 15 minutes
  • 60 minutes
  • 120 minutes

Different items might have different expiration times. The widget is only removed from the public site after the expiration time for every item has expired.

Publish the widget

When you are ready, hit Save or Save & close to publish the widget.

The normal caching rules do not apply when you publish a Breaking news widget. This means that after you hit Save, the widget is immediately displayed on the public site with no delay.

Manually remove a published widget

You might manually remove a Breaking news widget from the public site before its set expiration time. Follow these steps:

  1. Hit the Remove item button in the box for every item on the widget.
  2. Hit Save or Save & close.

When you make any manual updates to a published Breaking news widget, the normal caching rules apply. This means that it might take up to 5 minutes before the widget is removed from the public site.

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