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Introducing Landings


What's inside this article:

Basic information

Landings are segments displayed under the "Home" tab on Category pages. This applies only for Categories that use the Multimedia archive layout.

Landings are intended to promote Podcasts, Video shows, and Broadcast programs.

An individual Landing might:

  • Provide background information to help visitors engage with your content.
  • Cultivate a distinct voice / identity for a podcast, show, or program.
  • Promote popular episodes and other related content.
  • Tell visitors when to expect new episodes.

IMPORTANT: Every published Landing must be connected to a Category. Landings should not be shared as standalone pages. This is because Landings have no metadata, are not indexed by search engines, and do not appear on search engine results pages.

Build a Landing

To build a new Landing from Pangea CMS:

  1. Go to Build > Landings in the primary navigation.
  2. Hit + Add new. Alternatively, select the title for an existing Landing to edit it.

For detailed information, see the following article:

Add content to a Landing

You can add content to a Landing using widgets. For detailed information about widgets and an overview of the different widget types, see the following article:

The content on a Landing is tailored to the audience for the specific podcast, show, or program. The following widgets might be useful:

  • Podcast widget: Promote the latest episode from a podcast.
  • Multimedia widget: Promote any multimedia content item (audio or video).
  • Trends widget: List "trending" content pages from the connected Category.
  • HTML widget: Display custom text and links, or embedded external media (such as YouTube videos and playlists).

To learn more about the listed widgets, see the following articles:

Connect a Landing to a Category

Categories (previously Zones) organize the content on your site by topic. Every podcast, program, and show is represented by a Category in Pangea CMS. For detailed information about Categories, see the following article:

A Landing is not displayed on the public site until the Landing is connected to a Category. A Landing can be connected to a TV or Radio Category (not a Content Category). When a Landing is connected to a TV / Radio Category:

  • The "Home" tab is available in the Category header.
  • The Landing is accessible via the "Home" tab.

To connect a Landing to a Category, use one of the methods below:

Landing builder

Connect a Landing to one Category from the Landing builder:

  1. Go to Build > Landings. Select the Landing you want to edit.
  2. Via General > Category, select one Category.

The following conditions apply:

  • You cannot select a Category that already has a connected Landing.
  • You cannot select more than one Category.
  • You can only select a TV or Radio Category (you cannot select a Content Category).

After you save the change, the Landing will be displayed on the Category page for the connected Category.

Category settings

Connect a Landing to one Category from the Category settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Categories. Select the TV / Radio Category you want to edit.
  2. Under Landing selection, select a Landing.

NOTE: You cannot select a Landing that already has a connected Category. Each Landing can only have one connected Category.

After you save the change, the Landing will be displayed on the Category page for the connected Category.