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Manage widgets

What's inside this article:

Basic information

Widgets are interactive page elements, which are typically used to present your website content. Pangea CMS offers a wide variety of widget types that serve different purposes. For an overview of the different widget types, see the following article:

This article explains how to manage widgets from Pangea CMS. The information applies for building and updating the following types of pages / segments:

  • Section pages (including your homepage)
  • Infopages
  • Landings
  • Regions
  • You Might Also Like (YMAL)

Independent widget or library widget?

This article mostly explains how to manage independent widgets. An independent widget is displayed in one place on the public site. Edits to an independent widget to not impact other widgets, and independent widgets do not inherit updates from other widgets. Any type of widget can be created as an independent widget.

A library widget might be displayed in multiple places on the public site. To learn about library widgets, see the alternative article below:

Open the widget editor

On Pangea sites, the following pages and segments are built from widgets:

  • Section pages (including your homepage)
  • Infopages
  • Landings
  • Regions
  • You Might Also Like (YMAL)

To open the widget editor for your chosen page / segment:

  1. Go to Build in the primary navigation.
  2. Choose the type of page / segment you want to update.
  3. Select the specific page / segment you want to update.
  4. Ensure Editor is selected in the left panel.

The remaining sections in this article will describe the available options for managing widgets.

Edit a widget

To edit an existing widget, click the widget area. Alternatively, hit the Edit button. The widget builder opens in the same tab.

For detailed information about the widget settings, see the relevant article below (according to the type of widget):

Content | FactCheck | HTML | Live stream | Manual stream | Multimedia | Podcast | Poll | Subscription | Trends

Add layout blocks

Build a custom layout for the page / segment using layout blocks. Each layout block runs horizontally across the page width and includes one or more areas for adding widgets. You can add one widget in each area. For example, the screenshot below shows one layout block that includes four areas. This layout block should be used to display four widgets.

Before you start building a new widget, you might need to switch to the Layout view and add a new layout block. For detailed information, see the following article:

Build a new widget

NOTE: Before you start building a new widget, you might need to switch to the Layout view and add a new layout block.

To build a new independent widget in an empty area:

  1. Select the area where you want to add the widget.
  2. Ensure New widget is selected.
  3. Select the type of widget you want to create. Only the supported widget types for the area can be selected.

The widget builder opens in the same tab. For detailed information about the widget settings, see the relevant article below (according to the type of widget):

Content | FactCheck | HTML | Live stream | Manual stream | Multimedia | Podcast | Poll | Subscription | Trends

Replace a widget

To replace an existing widget, hit the Replace button (or select ... > Replace).

The following conditions apply:

  • If the existing widget that you replace is an independent widget, it is permanently deleted.
  • If the existing widget that you replace is a library widget, it is only removed from the current page / segment. The widget remains available in the Widget library and other instances of the widget are not removed from the public site.

Library widgets are marked with the Widget library badge.

Move a widget

You can move a widget from one area to another. If the target area already includes another widget, the two widgets will switch places. To move a widget:

  1. Select the Move button in the box for the widget you want to move.
  2. Select the target area where you want to move the widget. Supported areas for the widget are marked in green.

The widget is now displayed in the selected area.

You can also move a widget using the area ID drop-down menu in the widget box. In the drop-down menu, select the ID for the target area where you want to move the widget.

Delete a widget

To delete a widget, select ... > Delete.

The following conditions apply:

  • If the deleted widget is an independent widget, it is permanently deleted.
  • If the deleted widget is a library widget, it is only removed from the current page / segment. The widget remains available in the Widget library and other instances of the widget are not removed from the public site.

Library widgets are marked with the Widget library badge.

Hide a widget

You can quickly hide a widget so it is not displayed on the public site. Just hit the Disable button. To display the widget again, hit the Enable button.

Supported widget types

Some widget types are not supported in all areas. The following limitations apply:

  • Podcast widget: Can only be added in a one-column area.
  • Live blog widget: Can only be added in a one-column or two-column area.

The following special layout blocks can only contain a Content widget:

  • (A): Feature: A gray layout block that enables the special "Feature" layout for a Content widget.
  • (B): Media slider: A black layout block that enables the special "Media slider" layout for a Content widget.

For detailed information about the special Content widget layouts, see the following articles: