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Build a Manual stream widget


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Basic information

The Manual stream widget lets you stream live video content to the public site. This widget receives input from the Manual live stream tool in Pangea CMS. When you set up a new stream via Manual live stream, you can choose to send the stream to the Manual stream widget.

A Manual stream widget has two possible states:

  • Active: The Manual stream widget is displayed on the public site. The widget streams live content from the selected source for the Manual live stream event. A Manual stream widget automatically becomes active when it starts receiving input from the Manual live stream tool.
  • Inactive: The selected fallback widget is displayed on the public site instead of the Manual stream widget. A Manual stream widget is inactive while it is not receiving any input from the Manual live stream tool.

This article explains how to build a new Manual stream widget from Pangea CMS.

Build a new widget

The following pages and segments might include a Manual stream widget:

  • Section pages (including your homepage)
  • Infopages
  • Landings
  • Regions
  • You Might Also Like (YMAL)

To build a new Manual stream widget:

  1. Go to Build in the primary navigation.
  2. Choose the type of page / segment where you want to display the widget.
  3. Select the specific page / segment where you want to display the widget.
  4. Ensure Editor is selected in the left panel.
  5. Select the empty area where you want to display the widget.
  6. Select New widget > Manual stream to start building a new Manual stream widget.

The widget builder opens in the same tab. The remaining sections in this article will walk you through each stage of the process.

NOTE: You can also build a new Manual stream widget from the Widget library.

Add a fallback widget

Add a fallback widget via Content > Fallback widget.

The fallback widget is displayed on the public site while the Manual stream widget is inactive. If you do not add a fallback widget, a blank space is visible on the public site while the Manual stream widget is inactive.

Choose from widgets that are already available in the Widget library for your site. Hover over the widget you want to use as the fallback widget, and click + Add.

NOTE: If necessary, you can add a new widget to the Widget library.

Set streaming properties

Via Content > Streaming properties, set the streaming properties for the individual widget.

TIP: Optionally set default streaming properties that will apply for every new Manual stream widget on your site.

Tick or untick each option, according to your preferences. The following options are available:

Display Stream name

When this option is ticked, the Stream name and the Live badge are displayed below the video player.

The Stream name must be added via the Manual live stream tool while you set up an individual stream. For details, see the following article:

Autoplay with no sound

When this option is ticked, the stream starts playing automatically with no sound as soon as a visitor opens a page where the widget is displayed. When this option is not ticked, visitors need to manually hit the play button to watch the stream.

Display sharing options

When this option is ticked, the following items are available on the widget:

  • (A): Embed button: Lets visitors retrieve the embed code for the widget.
  • (B): Share button: Lets visitors share a link to the live stream.

Add a header / footer

A Manual stream widget might include one or both of the following elements:

  • (A): Header: Displayed above the widget. The header might be text-only, or it might function as a link to another page. If preferred, you can use an image as the header.
  • (B): Footer: Displayed below the widget. The footer always functions as a link to another page.

In the Settings section, optionally add a header and / or a footer.

The steps for adding the header / footer are the same for every widget. For detailed information, see the following article:

Add a custom widget name

Via Settings > Widget name, optionally customize the default widget name.

The Widget name is visible only in Pangea CMS (not on the public site). We suggest providing a descriptive name if your site uses the Widget list tool in CMS to manage widgets.

Preview the widget

In the Preview section, check how the Manual stream widget will look when it is published on the public site. Select Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile to preview the widget on devices with different screen sizes.

The preview for a Manual stream widget shows just the basic layout for the player with no live content. On the public site, the text "DummyTube" will be replaced by the Stream name.

Set the status and save the widget

Before saving the Manual stream widget, select your preferred status using the drop-down menu in the top-right corner:

  • Enabled: After you save the widget, it will be immediately visible on the public site (if it is included on a published page).
  • Disabled: After you save the widget, it will not be visible on the public site. However, it will be available for further editing in CMS.

Select Save or Save & close to save the widget.

Send a stream to the widget

Use the Manual live stream tool in Pangea CMS to send a video stream to the Manual stream widget. For detailed information, see the following article:

Set default streaming properties

Individual sites can set the default streaming properties that will apply for every new Manual stream widget. This means you can specify if each of the following properties will be ticked or unticked by default:

  • Display Stream name
  • Autoplay with no sound
  • Display sharing options

To set the default streaming properties, contact Pangea Customer Care.