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Manage layout blocks


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Basic information

Using layout blocks, you can define a custom layout for pages and segments. Layout blocks are available when you build the following pages / segments:

  • Section pages (including your homepage)
  • Infopages
  • Landings
  • You Might Also Like (YMAL)

This article explains how to manage layout blocks via layout builder.

Open layout builder

To open layout builder for your chosen page / segment:

  1. Go to Build in the primary navigation.
  2. Choose the type of page / segment you want to update.
  3. Select the specific page / segment you want to update.
  4. Select Layout in the left panel.

Layout builder opens.

About layout blocks

Each layout block runs horizontally across the page width and includes one or more areas for adding widgets. You can add one widget in each area. For example, the screenshot below shows one layout block that includes four areas. This layout block should be used to display four widgets.

The remaining sections in this article will describe the available options for managing layout blocks.

Add a layout block

To add a new layout block:

  1. Scroll to the position where you want to add the block.
  2. Click + Add block.
  3. Select the block you want to add.

The block is added. You can continue to add more blocks, or go to the Editor view to start adding widgets.

Delete a layout block

To delete an empty layout block, hit the trash icon.

You cannot delete a block that contains widgets. First, go to the Editor view and delete the the widgets.

Move a layout block

To move a layout block, use the drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the block. For example, if you select 1, the block is positioned first.

Choose a layout block

The Add block dialog includes a simple graphic for every available layout block. Each number represents an area for adding one widget.

Blocks are grouped as follows:

  • 3 columns: 3-column blocks. On desktop, each row can include a maximum of 3 items. On mobile / tablet, each row might be separated into a maximum of 3 "chunks" that are displayed one below the other.
  • 4 columns: 4-column blocks. On desktop, each row can include a maximum of 4 items. On mobile / tablet, each row might be separated into a maximum of 4 "chunks" that are displayed one below the other.
  • Special: Blocks that enable special widget layouts.

Special layout blocks work as follows:

  • Feature: A gray layout block that enables the special "Feature" layout for a Content widget.
  • Media slider: A black layout block that enables the special "Media slider" layout for a Content widget.

For detailed information, see the following articles:

Add widgets

After adding layout blocks, go to the Editor view to start adding widgets.

For detailed information about managing widgets, see the following article: