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Introducing Regions


What's inside this article:

Basic information

A Region is a segment that can be displayed on content pages. When your site is viewed on desktop, Regions are displayed in one column on the right side of the page. On mobile and tablet, Regions are displayed below the main content.

Regions can improve engagement and retention by promoting other content that might be of interest for your readers.

Supported content types

Regions are only displayed on the following text content types:

  • Article | Blog | FactCheck | Feature | News | Transcript

Regions are not displayed on any other content types.

Build a Region

To build a new Region from Pangea CMS:

  1. Go to Build > Regions in the primary navigation.
  2. Hit + Add new. Alternatively, select the title for an existing Region to edit it.

For detailed information, see the following article:

Add content to a Region

You can add content to a Region using widgets. For detailed information about widgets and an overview of the different widget types, see the following article:

To boost engagement and retention, the content on a Region can be tailored to the audience for the connected Category. The following widgets might be useful:

  • Content widget: Promote the latest content from the connected Category.
  • Trends widget: List "trending" content from the connected Category.
  • Podcast widget: Promote a podcast relevant to the Category topic.
  • Subscription widget: Promote a newsletter relevant to the Category topic.

To learn more about the listed widgets, see the following articles:

TIP: Limit the amount of content in each Region. It is important to consider that on mobile, Regions are displayed in one column below the main content. Very long Regions can create an overwhelming experience for mobile users.

Connect a Region to a Category

Categories (previously Zones) organize the content on your website by topic. For example, your website might have a "Politics" Category for all content relating to politics. For detailed information about Categories, see the following article:

A Region is not displayed on the public website until the Region is connected to at least one Category. When a Region is connected to a Category, the Region is displayed on content pages from the Category. The following conditions apply:

  • The Region is only displayed on supported content types.
  • The Region is only displayed on content pages where the connected Category is set as the Primary Category.

To connect a Region to a Category, use one of the methods below:

Region builder

The same Region can be used for multiple Categories. For example, your website might have one Region called "News", which is used for all Categories that share news content.

Connect a Region to one or multiple Categories from the Region builder:

  1. Go to Build > Regions. Select the Region you want to edit.
  2. Via General > Categories, select one or multiple Categories.

NOTE: You cannot select a Category that already has a connected Region.

After you save the change, the Region will be displayed on content pages from all the selected Categories.

Category settings

One Category can have only one connected Region.

Manage the connected Region for a single Category from the Category settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Categories. Select the Category you want to edit.
  2. Under Right Responsive Region, select a Region.

After you save the change, the Region will be displayed on content pages from the Category.

Display a Region on a content page

To display a Region on a content page:

  1. Open the edit screen for the content page in Pangea CMS.
  2. Go to General > Categories.
  3. Select the Category that is connected to your chosen Region.
  4. Set the Category that is connected to the Region as the Primary Category.

For detailed information, see the following article:

After you save the change, the Region will be displayed on the content page.

NOTE: Regions are only displayed on supported content types.