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Introducing text content


What's inside this article:

Basic information

To create a new text content item in Pangea CMS, go to Create > Text in the primary navigation and choose the type of content you want to create.

This article describes the purpose of each text content type.


Article is a highly flexible content type that lets you share information on almost any topic.

To learn how to create a new Article page from Pangea CMS, see the following article:


You can embed a Backgrounder into the body of a text content page. A Backgrounder provides background information on a topic that is relevant to the story.

IMPORTANT: We do not suggest sharing a Backgrounder as a standalone content page.

To learn how to create a new Backgrounder from Pangea CMS, see the following article:


The Blog content type is intended for sharing short, blog-style content. For example, your site might publish regular Blogs to provide updates on a special project or investigation.

A published Blog page has the same layout as a published Article page. The settings for creating these content page types in Pangea CMS are almost identical. We provide the Blog content type so sites can internally distinguish this type of content (if desired).

To learn how to create a new Blog page from Pangea CMS, see the following article:

TIP: Pangea CMS offers the special Blog with big images Category page layout for sharing blog-style content.


The FactCheck content type lets you present an objective analysis of a statement that has been widely circulated and presented as fact. FactCheck is a powerful tool for combatting disinformation and fake news.

A published FactCheck page has a unique look and feel on the public site. This content type also has unique settings in Pangea CMS. To learn how to create a new FactCheck page, see the following article:

TIP: Pangea CMS offers the special FactCheck list Category page layout for sharing FactCheck content.


The Feature content type is intended for sharing evergreen content. This means content that is not time-sensitive and will remain perpetually relevant for your audience.

A published Feature page has the same layout as a published Article page. The settings for creating these content page types in Pangea CMS are almost identical. We provide the Feature content type so sites can internally distinguish this type of content (if desired).

To learn how to create a new Feature page from Pangea CMS, see the following article:

Feature story

The Feature story content type is intended for visual storytelling.

A published Feature story page has a unique look and feel on the public site. This content type also has unique settings in Pangea CMS. To learn how to create a new Feature story page, see the following article:

Live blog

The Live blog content type lets you cover developing live events in real-time by publishing a series of posts on a live feed.

A published Live blog page has a unique look and feel on the public site. This content type also has unique settings in Pangea CMS. To learn how to create a new Live blog page, see the following article:


The News content type is intended for sharing news content. This means time-sensitive stories that are typically promoted for a short time, before being replaced by newer content.

TIP: Pangea CMS offers the special Latest news Category layout for sharing news content. When the Latest news layout is enabled, content is displayed as a continuous stream rather than standalone content pages. This layout is applied on the Category page and on content pages from the Category.

To ensure compatibility with the Latest news Category layout, the following limitations apply when you create a News page in Pangea CMS:

  • The page cannot display Related content.
  • The page cannot display an Introduction.

Other than these limitations, a published News page has the same layout as a published Article (if the Latest news Category layout is not applied). The settings for creating these content page types in Pangea CMS are almost identical. To learn how to create a new News page, see the following article:


The Transcript content type is intended for sharing a written record of video or audio content.

A published Transcript has the same layout as a published Article. The settings for creating these content page types in Pangea CMS are almost identical

Pangea CMS lets you link a published Transcript to a Video / Audio clip page. When a Video / Audio clip is linked to a Transcript, the Read Transcript button is displayed below the player.

Link a Transcript to a Video / Audio clip page using one of the methods below:

  • In Pangea CMS, open the edit screen for the Video / Audio clip. Add the Transcript in the Related content.
  • In Pangea CMS, open the edit screen for the Transcript. Add the Video / Audio clip in the Related content.
NOTE: From the Site localization tool in Pangea CMS, your site can localize the text that is displayed for "Read Transcript" on the public site. Manage this text using the Responsive.Label.ReadTranscript configuration key.

To learn how to create a new Transcript page from Pangea CMS, see the following article: