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Embed external media


What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to embed a supported external media item into the body of a text content page. For example, you might embed a YouTube video or a Telegram post into the body of an article. Supported external media can be embedded using just an embed code or URL.

The following external media items are currently supported:

  • X (formerly Twitter) | X Timeline | YouTube | YouTube Short | Telegram | Facebook | Facebook Post | Instagram | Datawrapper | Flourish | SoundCloud | Google Maps | Vimeo | Infogram | Spotify | VKontakte Post | VKontakte Video | Scribd | Coub | Imgur | GIPHY | Odnoklassniki Video | RUTube | Truth Social

NOTE: If the external media item that you want to embed is not supported, review the guidance here.

The steps in this article are also valid for embedding the following Pangea content:

  • Pangea Audio | Pangea Video | Pangea Widget

For details, go to the following section:

Retrieve embed code or URL

You need to retrieve the embed code / URL from the third-party platform. In most cases, you need an embed code. However, it is also possible to use a URL in some cases. To learn how to check the requirements for an individual item, go to the following section:

To embed a YouTube Short with vertical orientation, you need to use the URL (not the embed code). For details, see the following article:

Below, find links to external support articles that explain how to retrieve the embed code for some of the most commonly used external media items:

Datawrapper Academy

How to share and embed visualizations

Facebook Help Center

Flourish Help Center

Embedding your project on a web page

Instagram Help Center

Embed an Instagram post or profile


Post Widget

X Help Center

YouTube Help

Embed videos & playlists

Embed external media

You can embed supported external media into the body of the following text content pages:

  • Article
  • Blog
  • FactCheck (embed in the Verdict content)
  • Feature
  • Feature story
  • Live blog (embed in a post)
  • News
  • Transcript

Follow these steps:

  1. Click inside the main box on the Editor subpage. Position the cursor where you want to insert the item.
  2. Hit the Insert Embedded Content button in the text editor bar.
  3. Select External media.
  4. Under Embed code or URL, paste the embed code / URL.
  5. Under Personal note, optionally enter a note. Personal notes are displayed on the content edit page in Pangea (not on the public site). The purpose is to let other Pangea users quickly verify exactly what has been embedded.
  6. Hit Attach.

You see a placeholder representing the embedded item in the text editor. Using the buttons on the placeholder, you can edit or remove the item.

To check exactly how the embedded item will look on the published page, use the options under Preview in the left panel.

Check requirements

From the External media tab, you can check the requirements for each supported embed. In most cases, you need an embed code. However, it is also possible to use a URL in some cases.

For each item, hover over the ? to see what is required to embed this item (embed code or URL).

Request a new supported item

If the item you want to embed is not included on the list of supported external media, you can contact Pangea Customer Care to request that a new item is added to the list. Before making a request, review the conditions below:

  • Supported external media needs to offer long-term value for multiple Pangea sites.
  • We do not approve requests that are connected to one-off projects.

If you need a particular embed for a one-off project, we suggest that your site creates the embed as a Snippet / Dynamic infographic instead.

Embed Pangea content

"Pangea content" means content that was created inside Pangea CMS.

You can conveniently embed Pangea content created by your own site without an embed code. For more information, see the following article:

For content published on other Pangea websites, you can retrieve the embed code by clicking the Embed button on the public site. This option is available for video and audio content.

Using an embed code, you can also embed a widget that was created inside Pangea CMS. However, you need access to the website where the widget was created in Pangea CMS. For detailed instructions on how to retrieve the embed code, see the following article:

More embeds

The steps in this article are valid for embedding supported external media. You can also embed the following items into the body of a text content page:

  • Images: Images that were manually uploaded to Pangea CMS or images from supported external agencies.
  • Directly embedded content: Content (such as Videos and Snippets) created inside Pangea CMS by your own site.
  • See also: Rich links to other content pages published on your site.

For instructions, see the alternative articles below: