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Embed See Also links


What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to embed a See also link into the body of a text content page (such as as article). A "See also" link is a rich / stylized link to another content page that was published by your own site. A "See also" link normally includes an image, and is more eye-catching than a standard link.

You can embed a "See also" link on the following text content pages:

  • Article
  • Blog
  • FactCheck (embed in the Verdict content)
  • Feature
  • Feature story
  • Live blog (embed in a post)
  • News
  • Transcript

The link might point to any type of content page (including text, multimedia, and interactive content).

Embed a single link or multiple links. For details, go to the relevant section below:

Embed a single link

You can embed a single link to one content page.

To embed a single link:

  1. Click inside the main box on the Editor subpage. Position the cursor where you want to insert the link.
  2. Hit the Insert Embedded Content button in the text editor bar.
  3. Ensure Single item and Content are selected.
  4. Search for and select the item you want to link to. For tips and information about using Search, see the following article:
  5. If prompted, select Add as See Also link.
  6. Add the link settings. Then, hit Add.

You see a placeholder representing the embedded item in the text editor. Using the buttons on the placeholder, you can edit or remove the link.

Embed multiple links

You can embed a collection of links to multiple content pages.

To embed multiple links:

  1. Click inside the main box on the Editor subpage. Position the cursor where you want to insert the links.
  2. Hit the Insert Embedded Content button in the text editor bar.
  3. Select Multiple items.
  4. Search for and select each item you want to link to. For tips and information about using Search, see the following article:
  5. Hit Save to confirm your choice.
  6. Add the link settings. Then, hit Add.

You see a placeholder representing the embedded item in the text editor. Using the buttons on the placeholder, you can edit or remove the links.

Add link settings

The following link settings are available:


NOTE: This option is only available for a single link.

Under Size, specify how the link is displayed.

Choose from the following:

  • Small: The link is attached to one side of the page (link A below).
  • Large: The link occupies the full page width (link B below).


NOTE: This option is only available for a single link.

Under Thumbnail, specify if the link includes an image.

Choose from the following:

  • Link without thumbnail: The link does not include an image (link A below).
  • Link with thumbnail: The link includes a thumbnail image (link B below).

The image is taken as follows (if 1 is not filled, the data is taken from 2):

  1. The Horizontal image in the item's Website teaser settings.
  2. The Main visual for the item.

Display custom title

If desired, enable Display Custom title to display a custom title. Otherwise, the default title is displayed.

For information about how to set the default title for all "See also" links on the same website, go to the following section:

Localize text

With each "See also" link, you can display a custom title or use the default title for your site.

The global version of the default title is "SEE ALSO:". Your site can also add a local version of the default title. On the Site localization page in Pangea CMS, site admins can add a local value for this text. Use the following configuration key:

  • Responsive.Label.SeeAlso

For information about using the Site Localization page, see the following article:

More embeds

The steps in this article are valid for embedding See also links. You can also embed the following items into the body of a text content page:

  • Images: Images that were manually uploaded to Pangea CMS or images from supported external agencies.
  • External media: External media items (such as Facebook and Telegram posts).
  • Directly embedded content: Content (such as Videos and Snippets) created inside Pangea CMS by your own site.

For instructions, see the alternative articles below:

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