Build a You Might Also Like (YMAL)

What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to build a new "You Might Also Like" (YMAL) from Pangea CMS.

For general information about the purpose of YMAL on Pangea websites, see the alternative article below:

Build a new a YMAL

To build a new YMAL:

  1. Go to Build > You Might Also Like in the primary navigation.
  2. Select + Add new.
  3. Provide the following details:
    • Title: The title of the YMAL in the local language for your site. The title is not displayed on the public site.
    • English title: The title of the YMAL in English. The title is not displayed on the public site. Using English makes the title understandable for CMS users who do not speak your local language.
  4. Select Add.

The new YMAL is created in Pangea CMS. However, it is in Draft status and is not accessible on the public site.

Manage layout blocks

Define a custom layout for the YMAL using layout blocks. Each block runs horizontally across the page width and includes one or more areas for adding widgets. You can add one widget in each area. For example, the screenshot below shows one block that includes four areas. This block should be used to display four widgets.

By default, a new YMAL includes a basic selection of 4-column layout blocks. If desired, you can add, replace, and remove the default layout blocks. To manage layout blocks, select Layout in the left panel.

For detailed information, see the following article:

Manage widgets

You can add content to a YMAL using widgets. Widgets are interactive page elements, which are typically used to present your website content. Pangea CMS offers a wide variety of widget types that serve different purposes. For an overview, see the following article:

To create and edit widgets, select Editor in the left panel.

For detailed information about managing widgets, see the following article:

Connect the YMAL to a Category

A YMAL is not displayed on the public site unless the YMAL is connected to at least one Category. The YMAL is displayed on content pages from each connected Category. A single YMAL can have one or multiple connected Categories.

Via General > Categories, select one or multiple Categories.

NOTE: You cannot select a Category that already has a connected YMAL. A single Category can have only one connected YMAL.

For detailed information about the relationship between YMAL and Categories, see the following article:

Preview the YMAL

Under Preview in the left panel, you can check how the YMAL will look when it is published on the public site. Select Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile to preview the YMAL on devices with different screen sizes.

This option is useful to preview unpublished changes while the YMAL still has the Draft status.

Save and publish

While the Draft status is selected, hit Save or Save & close to save your changes in Pangea CMS. While the YMAL has the "Draft" status, it is not accessible on the public site.

When you are ready, follow the steps below to publish the new YMAL:

  1. Select Published in the top drop-down menu.
  2. Select Publish or Publish & close.

The YMAL is now published. However, it is not displayed on the public site unless it is connected to at least one Category.

The Save / Publish buttons are only active while the YMAL includes unsaved changes. If all changes are saved, you see the label Saved / Published and the buttons are inactive.

NOTE: Changes made via the Editor and Layout views are saved / published automatically. It is not necessary to save / publish these changes manually.