Create a FactCheck page

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Basic information

This article explains how to create a new FactCheck page from Pangea CMS.

Go to Create > Text > FactCheck to create a new FactCheck page.

The FactCheck content type lets you present an objective analysis of a statement that has been widely circulated and presented as fact. FactCheck is a powerful tool for combatting disinformation and fake news.

Create the main title and URL slug

Via General > Title, create the main title for the FactCheck page.

After you create the title, we suggest creating a URL slug. The URL slug is included in the URL for the FactCheck page. Creating a URL slug for a content page improves usability and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Create a URL slug via General > URL slug. For detailed information, see the following article:

Select Categories

You cannot save the FactCheck until it is added to at least one Category. Categories in Pangea CMS organize the content on your site by topic. For example, your site might have a "Politics" Category for all content relating to politics.

Go to General > Categories to add the FactCheck to one or more Categories.

If you select multiple Categories, select one Primary Category. Click your chosen Primary Category so it is marked blue.

For detailed information, see the following article:

Add statement

The statement is the direct quote that is objectively assessed on the FactCheck page. Hit Statement in the left panel to provide details relating to the statement.

The following settings are available:

Statement author image

Hit Select content to add an image representing the person or organization that issued the statement.

NOTE: You cannot add an author image until the image has been manually uploaded to Pangea CMS.

Statement author

Under Statement author, enter the name of the person or organization that issued the statement.

Statement author description

Under Statement author description, provide additional details about the Statement author.

If the Statement author is a person, you might include:

  • The organization they represent
  • Their role in that organization

For example:

  • Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson

If the Statement author is an organization, you might include:

  • The type of organization
  • The country where the organization is based

For example:

  • Chinese state-run English newspaper

Statement content

Under Statement content, enter the exact statement. We suggest surrounding the statement in quotation marks, for example:

  • “We have never invaded any country. We have never started any proxy war. We have never engaged in global military operations or threatened other countries with force.”

Statement source

Under Statement source, enter the name of the platform where the statement was published. Optionally provide a date, for example:

  • China Daily's Weibo account, February 13, 2023

Possible sources include:

  • Websites
  • Social media accounts
  • Newspapers
  • TV channels

Statement source URL

Under Statement source URL, enter a URL that will direct visitors to the statement source.

The URL will open if a visitor clicks or taps the Statement source on the public site.

NOTE: Including a Statement source URL lets visitors verify your claim and boosts the authority of the story. We suggest completing this field for every FactCheck page (although it is not required).

Add verdict

The verdict is the objective assessment of the statement. Hit Verdict in the left panel to enter details relating to the verdict.

The following settings are available:

Verdict title

Under Verdict title, enter a direct and simplified verdict.

You might use the following Verdict titles:

  • True
  • False
  • Likely false
  • Misleading
  • Unsubstantiated

NOTE: We suggest defining a limited collection of approved Verdict titles for your site and using these titles consistently (if your site plans to publish regular FactCheck pages).

Short verdict description

Under Short verdict description, optionally provide additional details to justify the Verdict title.

Consider providing a Short verdict description if the Verdict title might benefit from further elaboration. This might apply for Verdict titles such as Unsubstantiated and Likely false.

Verdict icon

Under Verdict icon, select an icon to display next to the Verdict title.

NOTE: We suggest assigning one icon to each Verdict title and applying this rule consistently (if your site plans to publish regular FactCheck pages).

Verdict color

Under Verdict color, select the color for the Verdict icon and Verdict title.

NOTE: We suggest assigning one color to each Verdict title and applying this rule consistently (if your site plans to publish regular FactCheck pages).

Verdict introduction

Under Verdict introduction, provide a brief summary of the Verdict content.

The Verdict introduction is applied as the general introduction for the page. This means that it might be displayed on numerous public pages.

Verdict content

Under Verdict content, provide the main content for the FactCheck page that explains and justifies the Verdict title. The CKEditor bar includes many useful tools for adding and formatting text. For details, see the following article:

As well as text, the Verdict content might include the following embedded items:

  • Internal images: Images that were manually uploaded to Pangea CMS.
  • External images: Images from the following external agencies:
    • AFP (Agence France-Presse)
    • AP (Associated Press)
    • Reuters
  • External media: Approved external media items (such as Facebook and Telegram posts).
  • Direct embeds: Multimedia / interactive content created in Pangea (such as Videos).
  • See also: Rich links to other content pages published by your site.

For detailed information about adding embedded content, see the following articles:

Manage other settings

The following settings are available in the left panel and might also be helpful:

  • Website teaser: Customize the website teaser for the FactCheck.
  • Social media: Customize the social media teaser for the FactCheck.
  • Authors: Add one or more authors to the FactCheck.
  • Tags: Add Tags to organize content internally.

Save and publish content

For detailed information about saving and publishing content pages in Pangea CMS, see the following article:

Share a FactCheck

The FactCheck content type in Pangea CMS is more than just a content page. The following special options are available for sharing FactCheck pages:

FactCheck widget

The FactCheck widget lets you share and promote FactCheck pages. This widget offers a unique layout that is tailored for FactCheck content.

To learn how to build a FactCheck widget, see the following article:

FactCheck list Category page layout

If your site has a dedicated Category for FactCheck content, you can enable the special FactCheck list layout for the Category page. For details, see the following article: