Moderate Disqus comments

What's inside this article:

Basic information

Disqus is a powerful third-party commenting tool, which is now implemented on most Pangea sites that use commenting functionality. This article explains how to moderate comments using Disqus.

The information in this article applies only if Disqus is already configured and enabled for your service. Contact Pangea Customer Care to enable Disqus comments.

Enable comments on a content page

Go to Comments > Enable Disqus comments to enable or disable comments on an individual content page. Tick or untick the box according to your preferences.

You might enable comments on the following content page types:


Article | Backgrounder | Blog | FactCheck | Feature | Feature story | Live blog | Transcript


Audio clip | Photo gallery | Slider gallery | Video


Static infographics

Moderate comments

Every comment must be approved before it is published on the public site. To review and moderate pending comments, go to Disqus Home and click the relevant site under Your Sites.

By default, the Moderate comments screen shows all pending comments. These comments are awaiting moderation and are not yet published on the public site.

Tick one or more comments. Optionally tick the top box to select all pending comments. Choose your preferred option:

  • Approve: Approve and publish the comment(s).
  • Spam: Mark the comment(s) as spam. Do not publish.
  • Delete: Delete the comment(s). Do not publish.

Disqus automatically labels every comment to help you quickly identify potentially unwanted comments. For more information, see Labels.


On the Moderate comments screen, comments are labeled to help you quickly identify potentially unwanted comments.

You can use the Filter by drop-down menu to select one or more labels. Only comments with the selected labels are displayed.

You might see the following labels:

User reputation labels

The following labels provide details about the user who submitted the comment:

  • Low Rep: The user has submitted multiple comments that were deleted, flagged, or marked as spam.
  • High Rep: The user has submitted multiple comments that were upvoted.
  • New Commenter: The user has not submitted any previous comments on your site.
  • Guest: The user is a guest without a registered Disqus account.

Comment labels

The following labels provide details about the comment itself:

  • Restricted Word: The post contains a restricted word.
  • Contains Link: The post contains a link to another website.
  • Flagged: The comment has been flagged as inappropriate by other visitors.

AI-generated labels

IMPORTANT: This technology is optimized for the English language. For other language services, we suggest using the Word filters tool to identify and manage potentially unwanted comments.

Disqus uses AI-influenced technology and machine learning to identify potentially unwanted comments. You might see the following AI-generated labels:

  • Toxic
  • Hate speech
  • Bullying
  • Violence
  • Promotion

Word filters

You can create a list of Restricted Words that is unique for your site. Comments that contain a restricted word are automatically deleted. To manage this behavior, go to Settings > Moderation.

On the Moderate comments screen, comments that contain a restricted word are assigned the Restricted Word label. To view only comments that contain a restricted word, tick the Restricted Word option in the Filter by drop-down menu.

NOTE: If comments containing restricted words are automatically deleted for your site, first select the Deleted tab to display deleted comments.

Go to Moderation > Word filters to review or update the restricted words for your site.

Ban users

When you ban a user, the user can no longer post new comments. Any comments from the user posted in the last 30 days are also retroactively deleted.

To ban a user, select the username on the Moderate comments screen. Then, select the Ban User button.

The following options are available for banning a user:

  • Timeout: Temporarily ban the user and provide feedback so they can adjust their behavior.
  • Shadow banning: Ban the user without their knowledge so they will not return with a new email address.

Manage comments from the public site

On the public site, you can manage comments that have already been approved. Hover over the relevant comment and select the arrow. Choose your preferred option:

  • Block User: This option is provided for visitors to your site and is not relevant for moderators.
  • Mark as Spam: Mark the comment as spam and remove it from the public site.
  • Delete: Delete the comment so it is no longer published on the public site.
  • Ban User: Ban the user from posting future comments.
  • Moderate: Open the Moderate comments screen.

Learn more

The following external articles from the Disqus Knowledge Base might be helpful: