6.16 release is focused on introduction of Snippets, Embeded external video and audio, New video edit page, Option to copy quiz between sites, Breaking news widget and Facebook login for mobile sites.
6.14 release brings you HD videos support, improvement of mobile site navigation, security improvement in accordance to FISMA, many new features and fixed bugs.
This release brings you Beta version of Pangea API, URL Redirection engine for mobile sites, HTML validation of CKEditor and many fixed bugs.
Easter release of Pangea brings you better login and password support, HTML embedding using CKEditor, infographics implementation for CMS and many more.
Looking into Pangea capabilites to deliver comprehensive live streaming content...
This release brings you Pangea powered mobile sites, support for multiple Internet TV show managers, Internet TV template week schedule, new audio widget and many more.
This release brings new features like article content republish, Pangea report, E-mailer reports, HTML5 Photo-gallery and more
Introducing password recovery mechanism, article page-breaks, RSS feed filters, zone program settings and improvement of Emailer feature.
A bucket list of the new features added to Pangea on Release 5.37
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