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6.07 Pangea improvements and features

Pangea Blog - 6.07
Pangea Blog - 6.07

The new feature implemented to Pangea is called Live Blogging, the other features were made mainly to improve interaction with Pangea and to address requests from other BBG entities.

Live Blogging

Main purpose of this feature is to help journalists cover live and ongoing events. The author is now able to chronologically add text / multimedia content from Pangea or he / she can publish Twitter tweets with particular hashtags. Example of Live Blog can be seen here. For more informations, check the Pangea Live Blog guide.
Live Blog
Live Blog

Photoblog gallery display

Now you can display any photogallery in the so called "Photoblog" mode. Enabling this feature will allow users to vote on photogallery images and see voting results. Example of photoblog can be seen here.
Photoblog screenshot
Photoblog screenshot

Reworked Emailer

Refactoring of the Pangea Emailer feature will enable the following options: Manual mailer composer, ability to manage multiple templates, save attached items, display the number of subscribers per topic and many more new options.
Refactored Emailer
Refactored Emailer

Improved video synchronization

Thanks to the feedback from Pangea users, we decided to look into the problem of video synchronization. The main problem was that whenever a user uploaded a video to Pangea, it was not clear if the video is ready to be used on the web site.

To improve this, we have implemented two new functionalities to Pangea. The first functionality highlights newly uploded videos in red on Pangea search page. The second functionality sends a Pangea system message (or e-mail) to the user who uploaded a video to Pangea. This will inform the user that video is ready for use.
Screenshot of video synchronization improvements
Screenshot of video synchronization improvements

Widget history and locking

As of this release, we have implemented a better tracking of widget actions. Every widget now has a history log of every action. Whenever a user makes any type of action (creates, edits, moves or deletes something) regarding widget, it will be recorded in the widget history log. Also, whenever a user opens a widget for editing, the widget will be locked for editing for other users (similar to article editing lock).
Widget history
Widget history

Dateline (VoA only)

Our developers have implemented the Dateline option for article content based on VoA editors request. Every VoA user can now add a dateline to any article in Pangea using this new option on the article-creation page.
Dateline screenshot
Dateline screenshot

You can also check summary of the changes and new features in 6.06 and 6.07 Pangea releases, in the video below.

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