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Pangea Release 6.10

release graphic 6.10 Pangea
release graphic 6.10 Pangea
Dear Pangea users,
As the year slowly ends, let’s look back what we’ve achieved together. This year joined our Pangea family colleagues from VOA, MBN and OCB – on March we’ve rolled out first three VOA sites, the last one has been migrated to Pangea on August. It was not easy time, but we’ve done it! All 49 VOA sites are now on Pangea, together with one OCB site and two MBN, Pangea now supports total 84 websites.

Pangea became a trusted reliable CMS platform. But it wouldn’t be such success without you … without your comments, ideas and even bug reports. In the past eight Pangea updates during this year, we’ve been always inspired by your ideas
and we were hearing your voice.

Any feedback was, is and always will be welcome. By the way, how many users you
think are using Pangea? … 1,700+ active Pangea users! It’s also 1,700+ different opinions, ideas and wishes.

Now you may see that keeping Pangea consistent, clean and stable is sometimes challenging.

Thank you all! We strongly believe that our cooperation in the upcoming year will be at least as great as in this year.

We’re preparing some improvements in terms of communication. More details to come

Article content republish

As from this release we’ve added a possibility to republish article’s content. Website users can republish articles on their websites very the same way as they share videos
and photo-galleries. Article embed code includes LiveTracker tag that enables
us to count shared article consumption (page views) on external websites.
This feature can be enabled for individual articles using “Enable republishing for the
article” checkbox on the article edit screen.

As any other feature, even this can be disabled, enabled or (un)checked by
default. Feel free to contact us via our request form if you’ve any
specific need. Sample article with republish option

Contact Us Widget: multi-language version
Contact Us widget introduces now a new checkbox, “Use default (English) localization in the widget” that allows to skip site localization and display the widget
in English

Kaltura Integration
We have developed a module for integration of third party video management system Kaltura with Pangea.

Users from VOA, OCB and MBN will be able to upload their multimedia files to Kaltura, while those entries will be automatically synchronized with Pangea, within couple of minutes.

Pangea Mailer Statistics
Now you can access the statics for the mailer, to access the report, you can select the topic and then on the edit screen select the tab History.

The report will give you the following options:
  • View sample of the email set by clicking the mailing preview icons
    Analyze mailing by clicking the icon with the blue bars

Tracking options:

  • Total Recipients
  • Sent Successfully
  • Sent Unsuccessfully
  • Temporary Failed
  • Bounced
  • Total Opens

Encoding of FLV files into MP4
As of this release, FLV will no longer be natively supported in Pangea CMS. All FLV videos uploaded to the CMS will automatically be transcoded to MP4. This step will help us to improve the video viewing experience for users that have mobile devices that do not support Flash. Please note that old FLV files will still be playable on the sites.

CMS: Video Edit - improved UI for copied videos
Videos copied from other sites will now be marked on the Video Edit page, in order to explain why some operations are not possible (e.g. re-upload of video file or change of thumbnail).

CMS: Header link in Widgets

There is no change for Header Link on frontend, but we reorganized Settings for widgets in CMS. For Header Link, we took the same logic as it is for Footer Link and apply the
control block. Editors could decide whether to create a link
to a section, zone or manual link. If it is a manual link to external page, editors could use „Open link in new window“check box.

This feature is not relevant for Placeholders, Split News,
Split Article and Ad/ External widgets.

Pangea Reporting/Statistics
We’ve implemented a first phase of a basic reporting tool – it provides
an executive report on how much content a service produces. Reports can be filtered by
services and users, and by a data range When creating a report you need to select:
• Service
• Content Type
• User(s)

Processing time for some overall reports (all sites and all users) may be up several of minutes.

We’ve used the same asynchronous workflow which is for example used for video upload. So once the report is ready, you’ll be notified via your preferred way – email, Pangea notification or both, feel free to change it on your profile.

You can get the report as HTML or Export as CSV (Excel format) or print it right from Pangea.

Please note that due to sensitive matter of the report, not all user after release will have access to this feature.

The access can be granted by user group level in Administration | User Management | User group management – right “Pangea Reports/statistics”

Report Example
Pangea HTML5 Photo-gallery

We’re proud to announce that after weeks of development we’ve developed an HTML version of our Flash gallery control.
The HTML version supports the same functionality as the flash Photo galleries

Rating images
Film Strip
Enlarge Image

The real benefit of it is that it allows you to reach the audience of devices that don’t
support Flash (Iphone, IPad etc.) to get full access to the content.

Global News Dashboard (requested by ODDI)

This website is supposed to be aggregating content from CMS Pangea (English RFE/RL and English VOA). To accommodate this we had to implement a new control “GND Settings” on the following edit screens: all article content types, video,
audio and photo gallerie

For RFE and VOA English services – please note that “Enable share content on Global News Dashboard” is by default checked and the system doesn’t allow to save without
selected regions.

Optionally, there can be checked also “Editor Choice”checkbox.

As mentioned above, once the current code release is done Global News Dashboard will be launched just internally.

The site should go live beginning next year and it will run at:

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