If you are regular reader of Pangea release notes, you might have already noticed some of new features and improvements of Pangea. If not, do not worry. We have picked up some of the important features and improvements from latest Pangea release, that you should take notice:
Password recovery mechanism
- if you forgot your Pangea password, we have implemented the recovery mechanism that will help you get to your password quick & safe. For more informations, check the Login and navigation guide.
Article page-breaks
RSS feed filter
- possibility to determine what kind of content will be displayed in RSS feed widget. You can customize this by setting the RSS widget display options. For more informations, check the Widgets guide.
Zone program setting
You can now specify the zone by type of program content. This way, you can specify zone into three program types: None, Radio or TV. For example: if zone is assigned as TV zone, you will get options to set description and content of TV program. You also get options to set the podcast options of your TV program. For more informations, check the Pangea settings guide.
Emailer improvement
- Pangea emailer feature has been much improved. It now gives you much freedom to set the content to your mail feed, set weekly feed schedules etc. For more informations, check the Pangea Emailer guide