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6.16 Release Highlights


Pangea Release 6.16 graphic
Pangea Release 6.16 graphic

6.16 release is focused on introduction of Snippets, Embeded external video and audio, New video edit page, Option to copy quiz between sites, Breaking news widget and Facebook login for mobile sites. More can be found here: Pangea 6.16 Release Notes.


There is about 30 snippets to select form including Storify, Google Maps, V Kontakte, UStream, Thumblr, G+ etc.

Search for all sites as they are located on showcase. Content types supported are: Article, Transcript, Press Release and Feature. Widget supported is HTML widget.The only requirement is the URL from external site.

Users with advanced access can also create their own snippet that once aproved will become availiable. Only Snippets with Status Published will be rendered on public site! Content can be any valid HTML or HTML5 including JavaScript, CSS and Flash. Please beware there is no validation! Once Snippet is saved in any status approver will receive notification and review it. Once the code is reviewed and considered save the status will be changed to Published. To disable it just change the status.

Embeded external Audio/Video

The feature is now availiable for insert video (not for insert video expand) and for insert audio flash player (not for insert link to audio pop up). Under attach external media tab. You can use YouTube, vimeo, sound cloud URL but also URL of Pangaea video or PangeaTV.

On front end preview of the video or TV show click the share icon and use the embed this video URL link.

Video edit page

Now enable you to select the overview thumbnail screenshot. Trim the begining and the end of the video. And also load your video into your defined You Tube channel when checked.

Quiz site to site copy

Possibility to copy quiz from another site and accomodate to your site.

Responsive sites

Now support login in via Facebook account and display of breaking news push notification.

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