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Pangea 8.37 - Release highlights

Pangea 8.37 - Release highlights video
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Release schedule:

The Pangea 8.37 release is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22nd 2025 at the times listed below:

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
  • Prague time: 06:00 am - 07:30 am
  • DC / Miami time: 00:00 am - 01:30 am
Voice of America
  • DC / Miami time: 02:30 am - 04:00 am
  • Prague time: 08:30 am - 10:00 am
Office of Cuba Broadcasting
  • DC / Miami time: 04:00 am - 05:00 am
  • Prague time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Prague time: 07:30 am - 08:30 am
  • DC / Miami time: 01:30 am - 02:30 am

What's new?

Notifications about failed streaming requests to social media

We have added a new event in the Notifications section of your User account:

  • Failed streaming synchronization with social media

This event will be disabled by default for all users. If you enable this event, we will notify you in advance about failed requests for automated streaming to social media. This means streaming requests to YouTube / Facebook that were set up by any user from the Multimedia distribution settings for a live Video show.

You will see the notification before the start time for the show. This allows time to take action and ensure the show streams to social media as planned. You might take the following actions:

  • If you have time, schedule the show and request distribution again.
  • If you have time, contact Pangea Customer Care for assistance.
  • If you do not have much time before the start time for the show, send the stream to social media using Manual live stream instead.

You can choose to receive these notifications by Pangea message, email, or both. For more details, see the following article:

TIP: You should enable these notifications only if the information is useful for your role. If a distribution request fails, we will notify every user from the same site who has manually enabled these notifications in their User account.

New option for auto widgets: "Only items with all Categories"

After the 8.37 release, the Only items with all Categories slider will be available for the following widget types in "Auto" or "Semi-auto" mode:

  • Content
  • FactCheck
  • Multimedia
  • Poll
  • Slide-in

You might enable this option if multiple Categories are selected in the Auto settings. When this option is enabled, the widget will only promote content that has all the selected Categories. If an item has just one of the selected Categories, the item will not be promoted on the widget.

See the example below:

  • Two Categories are selected in the Auto settings: "Russia" and "News".
  • The Only items with all Categories option is enabled.
  • Only content with both Categories ("Russia" and "News") will be promoted on the widget.
  • Content with just one Category ("Russia" or "News") will not be promoted on the widget.

To learn more about the available options for widgets in Auto mode, see the following article:

Vertical / square video player on mobile

Pangea websites will start to display vertical and square videos using the original aspect ratio on mobile devices.

This update means that when your site is opened on a mobile device, vertical videos will be displayed inside a vertical player, and square videos will be displayed inside a square player. Currently, vertical / square videos are displayed inside a horizontal player with pillarboxing (pillars on either side of the video). With this change, we aim to boost the visibility and accessibility of your video content.

This change will apply for vertical / square videos displayed in the following places:

  • Video content pages
  • Text content pages (embedded videos)
  • HTML widgets (embedded videos)
  • Multimedia widgets

On desktop and tablet, your vertical / square videos will continue to appear with pillarboxing. However, the sticky player will start to use the original aspect ratio on all devices (mobile, tablet, and desktop). The sticky player is the small version of the player that stays visible while a visitor moves between pages.

This change means that it will be important to consider the vertical version of the video thumbnail when you upload a vertical video. For guidance, see the following article:

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