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Update your User account


What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how you can review and update your personal User account from Pangea CMS.

Open your User account

Open your User account as follows:

  • Desktop: Go to the "person" button > My account.
  • Mobile: Go to > My account (the gear icon).

The sections in this article provide information about the available options:

Enable search in English

IMPORTANT: Changes to your User account will not be applied until you log out of Pangea CMS and log back in again. More details here.

Via User preferences > Enable Search in English, you can enable or disable the option to show Category names in English when you search in Pangea CMS.

When this option is enabled, you will always see the English title for Categories in search. This option is useful if you do not understand the local language for some sites that you need to manage in Pangea CMS.

Update notification settings

IMPORTANT: Changes to your User account will not be applied until you log out of Pangea CMS and log back in again. More details here.

In the Notifications section, you can control how and when you receive notifications from Pangea CMS.

Two notification methods are available:

  • (A): Pangea message: A notification that you see in the notification area in Pangea CMS.
  • (B): Email: An email notification that is sent to the email address in your User account.

To get started, select a notification method (Pangea message or Email). You can then tick each notification that you want to receive using this method. This means that for each event, you can be notified by Pangea message, email, or both.

Find more details about the different events below:

My video / audio uploads

We will notify you when a video or audio file that you manually uploaded to Pangea CMS has been fully uploaded and processed. You will be notified about all files that you manually upload to Pangea CMS via New > Multimedia ("Video", "Audio clip", and "Loop video" content types).

Further details:

If you have access to multiple sites in Pangea CMS, these notifications are enabled for all sites at once.

New published videos

We will notify you when a new video is published on the current site. You will be notified about manually published videos, as well as videos that are published automatically through Scheduler & Template week.

Further details:

If you have access to multiple sites in Pangea CMS, these notifications are enabled for the current site only. To enable the notifications for more sites, open each site in Pangea CMS and manually enable the event in your User account.

On-demand video distribution to social media

We will notify you about the status of your requests for on-demand video distribution to social media (YouTube / Facebook). This means distribution requests that you set up and confirmed from the Multimedia distribution settings for an on-demand video. We will notify you when a video is successfully shared or when a distribution request fails.

Further details:
  • If you have access to multiple sites in Pangea CMS, these notifications are enabled for all sites at once.
  • This notification event is connected to on-demand video distribution (notifications about streaming are managed separately).

For detailed information about how to request on-demand video distribution to social media, see the following article:

Failed streaming synchronization with social media

We will notify you about failed requests for automated streaming to social media. This means streaming requests to YouTube / Facebook that were set up by any user from the Multimedia distribution settings for a live Video show.

You will see the notification before the start time for the show. This allows time to take action and ensure the show streams to social media as planned. For troubleshooting steps, see the following article:

Further details:
  • If you have access to multiple sites in Pangea CMS, these notifications are enabled for all sites at once.
  • If a distribution request fails, we will notify every user from the same site who has manually enabled these notifications in their User account.
  • This notification event is connected to streaming (notifications about on-demand distribution are managed separately).

Apply changes

Changes to your User account are not applied until you perform both actions below:

  1. Hit Save or Save & close in your User account.
  2. Log out of Pangea CMS, then log back in again.

To log out of Pangea CMS, perform the relevant action below:

  • Desktop: Go to the "person" button > Log out.
  • Mobile: Go to > Log out.

Review Azure settings

In the Azure settings section, all options are read-only and cannot be updated manually by Pangea CMS users. You can review the following details:

  • First name: Your first name as it appears in Pangea CMS.
  • Last name: Your last name as it appears in Pangea CMS.
  • Username: The email address you use to log in to Pangea CMS.
  • Email: Your contact email address.

These details are automatically synchronized with your data on the Microsoft Azure Identity Server. To request changes, contact your IT Department.

Review general settings

In the General section, all options are read-only and cannot be updated manually by Pangea CMS users. You can review the following details:

  • Status: The status of your User account (Active, Inactive, or Expired validity).
  • User group: Your User group for the current site. Your User group corresponds to your role. It controls which pages in Pangea CMS you can access and use.
  • Validity: The validity of your User account (Unlimited or Limited). If the validity is limited, you see the date when the validity is set to expire.

These details are managed differently, according to your entity. Go to the relevant section below:


Contact Pangea Customer Care if you have a question or you would like to request an update.


Contact your IME (Internet Managing Editor) if you have a question or you would like to request an update.

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