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Pangea Release 6.11

6.11 release graphic
6.11 release graphic
This release brings you Pangea powered mobile sites, support for multiple Internet TV show managers, Internet TV template week schedule, new audio widget and many more.

Pangea Mobile sites

Our own implementation of mobile sites replaces a concept developed by MobileTech. Newly implemented concept utilizes previously implemented Pangea features like Widgets, Sections, Zones etc.
Mobile sites
Mobile sites

Multiple Internet TV Show Managers

For better management of ITV shows, we have implemented a support to assign multiple Pangea users as ITV Show Managers. Assigned user are now also able to manage the show at the same time.
Multiple ITV show managers
Multiple ITV show managers

Internet TV Template Week

Internet TV show managers now have the option to create ITV schedules based on week template, same as for Audio Scheduler.
ITV template week
ITV template week

New Feature Audio Widget

New audio widget gives you the following features: Listen live (if site is using Audio Scheduler), Your Radio (link to pages like scheduler, program index, podcast etc.), Top Audios (allow editors to highlight particular audios), Feature Shows (latest audio clips from specific zones) and Clips tab (present audio clips as list).
Feature Audio widget
Feature Audio widget

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