Create a TV or Radio Category

What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to create a TV or Radio Category from Pangea CMS.

These Category types work as follows:

  • TV Category: A Category with special settings, optimized for promoting video content. A TV Category might include general video content, or it might be connected to a specific Video show or podcast.
  • Radio Category: A Category with special settings, optimized for promoting audio content. A Radio Category might include general audio content, or it might be connected to a specific Broadcast program or podcast.

For general information about Categories in Pangea CMS, see the alternative article below:

For information about creating a Content Category, see the alternative article below:

Create a TV or Radio Category

To create a new TV or Radio Category:

  1. Go to Settings > Categories (Zones) in the primary navigation.
  2. Select + Add new.

The Edit Category (Zone) screen opens. Under Program Pages, choose your preferred option:

  • Radio: Create a Radio Category.
  • TV: Create a TV Category.

The remaining sections in this article will walk you through each stage of the creation process.

Add a Title and English name

It is required to add the following settings before you can save the new Category:

  • Title: The title of the Category in the local language for your site. This title is displayed on content pages from the Category. Ensure the title accurately reflects the Category content. We suggest a maximum of 40-60 characters.
  • English name: The name of the Category in English. This name is not displayed on the public site. Using English makes the name understandable for CMS users who do not speak your local language.

Select supported content types

In the right column, select the supported content types for the Category. This controls which content types it will be possible to add to the Category.

Tick the individual content types that you want the Category to support. Alternatively, tick Check all to support all content types.

Choose where content is shared

You can control where content from the Category is shared.

Tick or untick the following options, according to your preferences:

RSS Enabled

If ticked, the Category is shared as an RSS feed on the public site. This lets visitors subscribe via a third-party RSS reader app to be notified about new content.

All available RSS feeds are listed on the RSS / Podcasts page on the public site under the RSS tab.

Show In Archive

If ticked, content from the Category is added to the Archive Category for your site. Each Pangea site might have one Archive Category. This is a special Category that includes content from all Categories where the Show In Archive setting is ticked.

If your site does not have an Archive Category, this setting has no effect.

Enable for mobile apps

If ticked, content from the Category is searchable in the mobile app.

The Enable for mobile apps setting does not make the Category visible on the latest version of the the mobile app homepage. To learn about managing the latest version of the mobile app homepage, see the following article:

This setting makes the Category visible on the old version of the the mobile app homepage. Mobile app users who have not yet updated to the latest app version still see the old version of the homepage.

Add a connected YMAL

Under You Might Also Like, select one connected You Might Also Like (YMAL).

The connected YMAL is displayed on content pages from the Category below the main content.

You can select a YMAL that is saved in Pangea CMS with either the Published or Draft status. However, the YMAL will not be displayed on the public site unless it has the Published status.

For information about YMAL, see the following articles:

If desired, you can also add the following connected elements:

  • One connected Slide-in widget
  • One connected Region

Regions and Slide-in widgets are primarily intended for use on text content pages. For details, see our separate guide about creating a Content Category.

Enable the Multimedia archive layout

Multimedia archive is the default Category layout for TV and Radio Categories. When the Multimedia archive layout is enabled, a header with clickable tabs is displayed on the Category page and on content pages from the Category. This helps visitors engage with the content and move from page to page without getting lost.

To enable the Multimedia archive layout for the current Category, ensure the box next to Enable category (zone) archive page is ticked.

For detailed information, see the following article:

The following settings help you configure the Multimedia archive layout, and are not described in this article:

  • Program Page Content
  • Video / Audio Tab Enabled
  • Content Tab Enabled
  • Landing Selection

These settings are described in the following article:

Add program settings

A TV Category might be connected to a specific Video show. A Radio Category might be connected to a specific Broadcast program.

Under Program Setting, find the following options that are useful if the Category is connected to a specific Video show / Broadcast program:

Enable Program Index Page

If ticked, the Category is included in the Program Index for your site.

The Program Index lists all the Video shows / Broadcast programs that are produced by your site. It is accessible on the public site and in the mobile app.

Program description

Enter a description of the Category to display in the Program Index.

Program Image

Select an image to represent the Category in the Program Index.

Create a Category for podcast distribution

A TV or Radio Category might be connected to a specific podcast. Tick the box next to Podcast Enabled if the Category will be used for podcast distribution.

When Podcast Enabled is ticked, special podcast settings are available. For detailed information about these settings, see the following article:

Add metadata

It is required to add the following metadata before you save a new Category:

  • Meta title
  • Meta description

The metadata is included in the source code for the Category page. The primary purpose is to help search engines understand the page content. The metadata impacts how the page is previewed on search engine results pages and how the page ranks for different search queries.

For detailed information, see the following article:

Select a status and save the Category

Under Category (Zone) Status, select your preferred status for the Category.

The following general statuses are available for any Category:

  • Visible on site - enabled: Content can be added to the Category from Pangea CMS. The Category is visible on the public site.
  • Visible on site - discontinued: Content cannot be added to the Category from Pangea CMS. However, the Category is visible on the public site.

The following statuses are only available when you create a new Category:

  • Visible in CMS only: The Category is not visible on the public site. However, content can be added to the Category from Pangea CMS.
  • Archive: Create a special Category that includes content from all Categories where the Show In Archive setting is ticked.
  • Disabled: The Category is not visible on the public site. Content cannot be added to the Category from Pangea CMS.

When you are satisfied, hit Save to save the new Category.

If you leave the Edit Category (Zone) screen without hitting Save, all changes will be lost and you will not be notified.