Use Auto mode to create a widget

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Basic information

Auto mode is available for creating the following widget types in Pangea CMS:

  • Content
  • FactCheck
  • Multimedia
  • Poll
  • Slide-in

When Auto mode is enabled, the widget can include up to 20 individual items. The items are added and removed automatically, according to the widget rules.

The widget rules are defined on the widget edit page in Pangea CMS. The widget will always promote the most recently published content that meets these rules.

When a new item is published that meets the widget rules, the item is automatically added to the widget. This works as follows:

  • The new item is added to the top of the widget.
  • Every other item is moved one position lower.
  • The oldest item is removed from the widget.

TIP: Auto mode saves time, as it is not necessary to manually update the widget when new content is published.

Use Auto mode

To enable Auto mode, go to the Content section of the widget edit page and select the Auto tab.

Follow these basic steps to set the widget content using Auto mode:

  1. Set the widget rules.
  2. Select Update to see which items meet your current rules.
  3. Repeat steps 1-2 above, until you are happy with the widget content.

See the sectons below for detailed information about the available settings.

Set the maximum number of items

Under Max items, set the maximum number of items that will be promoted on the widget.

For example, if you select 5, the widget will always promote 5 items (as long as 5 items are available that meet the widget rules). If 5 valid items are not available, the widget will promote fewer than 5 items.

Set the publication date limit

Under Publication date limit, set a time period (in days). The widget will only promote content that was published during this time period.

For example, if you select 10, the widget will only promote content that was published during the last 10 days.

Exclude items

Under Exclude content, optionally set a number of items that will be excluded (not promoted on the widget).

For example, if you select Exclude first 2 items, the widget will not promote the 2 most recent items that meet the widget rules. This option is useful if your most recent content on this topic is already promoted on another widget on the same page.

Only promote selected content types

Under Content type, optionally select one or more content types. Only your selected content type(s) will be promoted on the widget. If you do not select a content type, the widget might promote any type of content.

For example, if you select only Video, the widget will promote the most recently published Videos on your site. No other content types will be promoted on the widget.

Only promote items with selected Categories

Under Categories, optionally select one or more Categories. Only content with at least one of your selected Categories will be promoted on the widget. If you do not select a Category, the widget might promote content, regardless of its Categories.

If you select one or more Categories, the following additional options are provided to help you more precisely control the widget content:

Primary Category only

If Primary Category only is ticked, the widget will only promote content that uses one of the selected Categories as its Primary Category. If an item uses one of the selected Categories as a Secondary Category, the item will not be promoted on the widget.

See the example below:

  • One Category is selected in the widget rules: "News".
  • The Primary Category only option is ticked.
  • Only content that uses "News" as the Primary Category will be promoted on the widget.
  • Content that uses "News" as a Secondary Category will not be promoted on the widget.

For more information about Primary and Secondary Categories in Pangea CMS, see the following article:

Only items with all Categories

If Only items with all Categories is enabled, the widget will only promote content that has all the selected Categories. If an item has just one of the selected Categories, the item will not be promoted on the widget.

See the example below:

  • Two Categories are selected in the Auto settings: "Russia" and "News".
  • The Only items with all Categories option is enabled.
  • Only content with both Categories ("Russia" and "News") will be promoted on the widget.
  • Content with just one Category ("Russia" or "News") will not be promoted on the widget.

Only promote items with selected Tags

Under Tags, optionally select one or more Tags. Only content with at least one of your selected Tags will be promoted on the widget. If you do not select a Tag, the widget might promote any content, regardless its Tags.

Tags are custom labels or topics that can be added in the settings for any content page. Tags help to organize content internally and are not displayed on the public site. For more details, see the following article:

See which content will be promoted on the widget

When you are ready, hit the Update button to see which items meet your current rules.

If necessary, adjust the widget rules to fine-tune the content. After adjusting the rules, you need to hit the Update button again to refresh the list of items.

You might also pin or hide an item.

Pin or hide an item

After you hit the Update button, the following options are available for each item:

Pin an item

While an item is pinned:

  • The item will not move down the widget as new items are added.
  • The item will not be removed from the widget, unless you unpin the item or remove it manually.

To pin an item:

  1. Enable the Pin slider in the relevant item box.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to set the item position. For example, if you select 1, the item will be pinned to the top of the widget.

NOTE: The Pin option is only available for widget types that can promote multiple items (Content and FactCheck widgets).

Hide an item

When an item is hidden:

  • The item is not visible on the widget.
  • The next valid item is added to the widget and is visible instead of the hidden item.

To hide an item, enable the Hide slider in the relevant item box.