Create a Live blog post

What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to create a post on a Live blog page. For general information about the Live blog content type, see the alternative article below:

Add a new post

Add a new post to a Live blog using one of the methods below:

  • On the main Search page, select + Add new post.
  • Open the Live blog edit page and select + New post.

Add post settings

For information about the general settings, review the sections below:

Add title

Under Blog post title, optionally add a title that is displayed at the top of the post.

Add highlight title

Under Highlight title, optionally add a title to display only in highlights. This is useful if you want to include the post in highlights, but you do not want to display a title at the top of the actual post.

Highlights provide an at-a-glance summary of key Live blog developments with links to key posts. In highlights, just a title is displayed for each listed post.

The title displayed in highlights is generated as follows (if 1 is not filled, the text is taken from 2):

  1. The Highlight title.
  2. The Blog post title.

If neither title is provided, the post cannot be included in highlights.

For detailed information about highlights, see the following article:

Add an author

Via Authors, optionally select one or more author names that are displayed at the top of the post.

You cannot add an author to a content page until the author is created in Pangea CMS. The author must be created under your site. It is not possible to use authors from other sites. To learn how to create a new author, see the following article:

Feature the post

Tick the box next to Feature this post to pin the post to the top of the Live blog page for a set number of minutes. While a post is featured, all new posts appear below the featured post. Next to Feature this post, enter for how long the post will remain featured (in minutes).

NOTE: The default expiry for a featured post is 30 minutes. We can adjust the default expiry for individual sites on request. To request a change to the default expiry for your site, contact Pangea Customer Care.

A Live blog can have one featured post at a time. If you publish a new featured post while another post is already featured, the new featured post automatically replaces the old one.

Add text

Under Content, enter the body of the Live blog post. You can manually enter the text or paste text from a third-party word processor (such as Microsoft Word).

For detailed information about the options for adding and formatting text, see the following article:

To open the editor in fullscreen, hit the Maximize button. This is especially useful if you are editing the post from a mobile device.

Add embedded content

You can add the following types of embedded content to a Live blog post:

  • Internal images: Images that were manually uploaded to Pangea CMS.
  • External images: Images from the following external agencies:
    • AFP (Agence France-Presse)
    • AP (Associated Press)
    • Reuters
  • External media: Approved external media items (such as Facebook and Telegram posts).
  • Direct embeds: Multimedia / interactive content created in Pangea (such as Videos).
  • See also: Rich links to other content pages published by your site.

To get started, position the cursor where you want to insert the embedded item. Then, hit the Insert embedded content button.

For detailed instructions, see the following articles:

Publish the post

When you are satisfied with the post, hit Publish.

If the status of the Live blog is Published, the post is now published on the Live blog page.

If the status of the Live blog is Draft or Edited, the post is saved internally in CMS.