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Add highlights to a Live blog page


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Basic information

Highlights provide an at-a-glance summary of key Live blog developments with links to selected posts. This lets visitors quickly grasp the subject matter as soon as they land on the page.

Highlights are displayed at the side of the page on desktop, or above the most recent post on mobile and tablet.

The following options are available when you add highlights:

  • Automated highlights: The most recent posts that have a title are automatically included in highlights.
  • Manual highlights: You can manually select which posts are included in highlights.

This article explains how to add highlights to a Live blog page. For general information about creating, publishing, and managing Live blog pages from Pangea CMS, see the alternative article below:

Add titles to posts

In highlights, only a title for each post is visible.

The title is generated as follows (if 1 is not filled, the text is taken from 2):

  1. The post's Custom highlight title
  2. The post's Blog post title

If no title is provided for a post, the post cannot be included in highlights.

For detailed information about creating Live blog posts, see the following article:

Add highlights

To add highlights to a Live blog page:

  1. Select Highlights in the left panel.
  2. Under Highlight type, ensure Highlights is selected.
  3. Under Highlight title, optionally provide a title to display above the highlights.

Choose the relevant tab, depending how you want the highlights to be generated:

  • Manual highlights: You can manually select which posts are included in highlights. The highlights do not change unless they are manually updated.
  • Automated highlights: The most recent posts that have a title are automatically included in highlights.

Configure manual highlights

To configure manual highlights, select the Manual highlights tab.

You can now perform any of the actions below:

Add posts

To select the posts you want to include in highlights:

  1. Hit Search blog post (not available if the maximum number of items is reached).
  2. Hit + Attach next to each post you want to include in highlights. You can only add posts that have a title. If a post does not have a title, you see the message 'No Title added to this post' and you cannot add the post.
  3. Click Save to confirm the selection.

Display time stamp

If you tick the box next to Display time stamp, the publication time for each post will be displayed in highlights.

Create a custom highlight

To create a custom highlight, hit Add custom highlight (not available if the maximum number of items is reached).

Enter the text for the custom highlight. When you are satisfied, hit Save.

Set the order

Enable Display posts chronologically to display the items in order of publication. To manually change the position of an individual item, use the drop-down menu on the left side of the box.

Remove a highlight

To remove an item from highlights, hover over the panel and hit the Remove item button.

Configure automated highlights

To configure automated highlights, select the Automated highlights tab.

After you perform this action, the five most recent posts that have a title are automatically selected (unless a different number is configured for your site).

If you tick the box next to Display time stamp, the publication time for each post will be displayed in highlights.

Save highlights

Changes to highlights are not published until you hit Publish or Publish & close in the bottom-right corner of the Live blog edit screen.

Add a manual summary

When a Live blog is no longer active, you might want to replace the highlights with a manual summary. The summary summarizes the main developments from the Live blog. Follow these steps:

  1. Select Highlights in the left panel.
  2. Under Highlight type, select Summary.
  3. Under Highlight title, optionally provide a title to display above the summary.
  4. Under Blog summary, enter the text for the summary.

The changes are not published until you hit Publish or Publish & close in the bottom-right corner of the Live blog edit screen.

Change the maximum number of items

The global default value for the maximum number of highlights is five. To add a local value for your site, contact Pangea Customer Care.