Introducing Scheduler & Template week

What's inside this article:

Basic information

Scheduler & Template week is a tool in Pangea CMS that lets services build a regular schedule for automated streaming. Use Scheduler & Template week to manage the schedule for regular Broadcast programs and Video shows that stream new unique episodes at the same time each week.

Before you can use Scheduler & Template week, at least one tube must be configured for your site. For details, see the following article:


Scheduler & Template week is used by services that produce regular live broadcasting (audio or video). This means regular shows that stream new unique episodes at the same time each week. The main advantage is that you do not need to manually schedule each individual episode. After the basic template for a show has been created in Template week, new episodes are added automatically to the broadcast schedule on a regular basis.

The following limitations apply when you use Scheduler & Template week:

  • Each show has a strict start and end time.
  • You cannot change the end time during the show.

To start a one-off stream at short notice, use the Manual live stream tool instead. For details, see the following article:

Open Scheduler & Template week

To get started, go to Stream > Scheduler & Template week in the primary navigation.

When you use Scheduler & Template week, hit the tabs in the left panel to switch between the "Scheduler" and "Template week" views.

Find details about the purpose of each view in the sections below:

Use Scheduler

Scheduler shows the broadcast schedule as it appears on the public site. Each block represents an individual episode of a show.

When you update the settings for an individual episode via Scheduler:

  • The changes apply only for the individual episode. Other episodes of the same show are not affected.
  • The changes are immediately visible via the broadcast schedule on the public site.

You can check which shows are currently scheduled on each specific date. For example, check which shows are scheduled to stream on November 6th 2023. Use the calendar in the left panel to change which dates are visible.

Scheduler is automatically updated with the latest data from Template week on a regular basis. For details, see the following article:

Use Template week

Template week lets you manage the basic template for live broadcasting. Each block represents a regular show that streams a new unique episode at the same time each week.

When you update the settings for a show via Template week:

  • The changes will apply by default for every new episode of the show that is added to Scheduler.
  • The changes will not be visible via the broadcast schedule on the public site until after the data from Template week is added to Scheduler.

The schedule is separated by days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). For example, check which shows stream new episodes every Monday.

The latest data from Template week is automatically added to Scheduler on a regular basis. For details, see the following article:

Manage tubes

Each tube creates a new schedule for live video / audio broadcasts. On the public site, a tube behaves like a TV channel or a radio station where different live shows are scheduled throughout the day.

If your site has multiple tubes, select which tube you want to manage using the Tubes drop-down menu in Scheduler & Template week.

For detailed information about tubes, including how to request a new tube, see the following article:

Manage Video shows

To learn how to manage Video shows via Scheduler & Template week, see the following article:

Manage Broadcast programs

To learn how to manage Broadcast programs (audio shows) via Scheduler & Template week, see the following article:

Update scheduler

Via Template week, you can manage the basic template for live broadcasting. The latest data from Template week is automatically added to Scheduler on a regular basis. If preferred, you can update Scheduler manually.

For detailed information about the process for updating Scheduler, see the following article:

Automated streaming to social media

Once an episode of a Video show is added to Scheduler, you can request automated streaming to a maximum of one YouTube and one Facebook account. If the request is successful, the episode will automatically start streaming via the selected social media accounts at the scheduled start time.

For detailed information, see the following article: