Article Creation


This guide will take you trough options you have when creating new and editing existing Article. There are several article content types you can chose from. Please beware for Live Blog Widget is suitable only article type Live Blogging.

Video Tutorial

User Guide

Navigating to Article

To create new article hit New > Content > Article or any other article type.
To open already existing Article in Search > Content > Select specific type(s) or Search them all > Hit Edit pencil icon in actions on your Article.

Status / Publication Date / Last Update

Only articles with status Published are visible to front end users. Status Draft is used when author is still working on the article. Status Edited is for finished articles awaiting approval. You can alter Publication Date and Time that will show on your article. Check Enable Last Update in case you expect your article to be repeatedly visited and will require content updates.

Enable republishing and Comments

Checking Enable republishing will create Republish link on your article.
This allow users to reuse your article in HTML format on their sites.
Check Enable Comments to allow users comment on your article.
You can set Forum Expiration Date that can be changed later on.
Forum Max Nesting represents levels of response to response.
For more information about Forum please refer to Forum Guide.

Slug / Priority / Google News / Icon

Slug is extra text that will become visible part of your article URL.
This helps to make your article more visible in search engines (Google).
Copy paste does not work and we support only Latin characters.
Slug is not editable in Published status. To edit it change article status.
Priority will list your article on top for number of hours you set.
Check to highlight for Google News. Only latest 7 will be tagged.
Icon you select appears in widgets. It represents media used in article.
None / Audio / Video / Photo Photogallery / Soundslide and Multimedia.

Title / Zone / Main Image / Introduction

Title is mandatory property of article and can have up to 140 characters.
Primary Zone is also mandatory but you can check more zones. It defines category and some widgets automatically display articles based on zones.
As main Graphic for article you can use Image, Video or Infographic.
Hit Add button and Search the item. For Images we provide Crop feature.
Check Enable Large Image / Video to display it in full article width size.
Caption will appear light gray under the image or video as its description.
Graphic Description does not show anywhere it is for internal info only.
Display Introduction does not need to be marked but the populated field content will display as article intro in some widgets depending on their
selected layout if marked it will show as first part of the article on the top.


To enter content in article we use third party software CKEditor. It has some basic attributes of text processor but also allows developers to implement custom made functions such embedding multimedia. If you want to read more information about CKEditor functions please refer to CKEditor Guide.

Authors / Tags / Geo Tags / Notes

Authorship of the article is to ensure that correct people will get the deserved recognition for their work as well as get paid for their contribution. To fulfil this role, Pangea recognises two options of authorship - Authors and Contributors (for our freelance correspondents and contractors).
To add an author or a contributor hit the Add button and then click Attach next to the required author or contributor. You can add more than one author or contributor (or both) and set their order using Up and Down buttons.

If a contributor is selected, the name of contributor and title of the content is shared with finance department allowing for the proper calculation of payroll for that person. The list of contributors is based on authors and photographers that have a Contributor ID assigned in Pangea System. If you need a Contributor ID please contact RFE/RL finance department.

Contributors are used only internally. A contributor is never displayed on the front end of the website.

Type Tag keyword into Tags field and hit Add Tag button. You can add more than one Tag. GeoTags define the location related to article. Hit Find on map button > Save. Unchecking Display map on article page will not display the location on web site. Notes are for internal purposes only not to be seen by end users.

Final and advanced amendments

When you are done with editing your article you can Preview it how it looks for end users. New Preview window will pop up. For mobile preview first Save the article and then hit mobile icon in actions. If you hit Cancel no changes you have made will be saved. Switch to Teaser content or Related content tab for more advanced options of editing. To upload for example Image without leaving article page hit New Uploads > Select item you would like to upload.

Publication date - change of logic

Some services have already started to use relative time for content and widgets, that means how long ago the content was published (e.g. 2 months ago).

We changed the logic for relative time and now if a content is younger than 5 hours, relative time will display on site. And if a content is older than 5 hours, relative time will change to absolute - that means to a specific date of publication (e.g. January 2nd, 2016).

If you want to use relative time, please contact support team via the Pangea Help Center portal.

Article Teaser

The purpose of Teaser is to get the attention of readers and motivate them to open your article on section page. If you leave Teaser content options blank teaser is automatically created from data set on the Article content page. Teaser can be seen on Section Page when assigned to appropriate Widget.

Navigating to Teaser Content

Search for Article > open it for editing > switch to Teaser Content Tab.

Teaser Options

It is mainly about adding attractive image to capture readers attention. While the actual article image can be different.
Teaser Graphic Caption - Text will appear below Image.
Label - Will be displayed before title. It overrides zone name on widget level.
Teaser Title - Displays title on widget level.
Teaser Introduction - display on widget level if widget and its layout support it.

How Teaser displays on front end site

This is for example on split article widget. Image and text is used as set in Teaser content tab. Compare to actual article image title and zone on right.