What's inside this article:
- Basic information
- Paste options
- HTML editor
- Embedded content
- Styles
- Formats
- Quotes
- Lists
- Indent text
- Align text
- Links
- Anchors
- Tables
- Special characters
- Keyboard shortcuts
Basic information
Pangea CMS offers a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) rich text editor for content creation. Our text editor supports many options, including:
- Manually enter text, or paste text from an external source.
- Format and style your text.
- Add links to other pages.
- Add embedded content (such as images, videos, maps, and social media posts).
This article describes full text editor functionality, which is available for creating the following content types:
- Article
- Backgrounder
- Blog
- FactCheck
- Feature
- Feature story
- Live blog
- News
- Transcript
Full text editor functionality is also available for creating HTML widgets.
Paste options
You can paste text from external sources. The following options are available:
Standard paste
When you use standard paste, all supported formatting is kept. This option is useful for pasting text from third-party word processors (such as Microsoft Word).
To use standard paste:
- Copy the text to your clipboard.
- In the text editor in Pangea CMS, position the cursor where you want to insert the text.
- Press the Ctrl + V / ⌘ Command + V keys on your keyboard to paste the text from your clipboard.
The following formatting is supported and is kept when you use standard paste:
- Links to other webpages
- Ordered and unordered lists
- Basic styles (Bold, Underline, Italic,
Strikethrough) - Text alignment (left-align, right-align, center-align, Justify)
- Basic tables
NOTE: The pasted text is automatically converted to the default font, color, and size for your site.
Paste as plain text
When you paste as plain text, all formatting is removed. This option is useful for pasting text that includes unwanted formatting (such as text from websites).
To paste as plain text:
- Copy the text to your clipboard.
- Position the cursor where you want to insert the text.
- In the text editor bar, hit the Paste as plain text button.
- Click inside the box, and press the Ctrl + V / ⌘ Command + V keys on your keyboard to paste the text from your clipboard.
- Hit Add.
HTML editor
HTML editor lets you create content using HTML code.
Hit the HTML editor button to open HTML editor.
For more information, see the following article:
Embedded content
Our text editor lets you insert the following embedded content:
- Images: Images that were manually uploaded to Pangea CMS or images from supported external agencies.
- External media: Approved external media items (such as Facebook and Telegram posts).
- Directly embedded content: Content (such as Videos and Snippets) created inside Pangea CMS by your own site.
- See also: Rich links to other content pages published by your site.
To insert embedded content:
- Position the cursor where you want to insert the item.
- Hit the Insert embedded content button in the text editor bar.
For detailed instructions, see the following articles:
Our text editor offers the following options for text styling:
Inline styles
Inline styles let you style individual words / phrases within a block of text. The following inline styles are available:
Subscript (such as the number 2 in H2O)
Superscript (such as the number 2 in E=MC2)
To apply an inline style:
- Highlight the text you want to style.
- Select a style in the text editor bar.
Additional inline text styles are available via Styles > Inline styles.
To remove an inline style:
- Highlight the styled text.
- Hit the Remove formatting button in the text editor bar.
Block styles
Block styles let you style a block of text (a paragraph or a heading). The following block styles are available:
Italic title
Special container
Access block styles via Styles > Block styles.
To apply a block style:
- Highlight the text you want to style.
- Select a style in the Styles drop-down menu.
Formats let you format a block of text (a paragraph or a heading). The following formats are available:
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
To apply a format:
- Highlight the text you want to format.
- Select a format in the Formats drop-down menu.
Our text editor lets you insert a stylized quote.
To insert a quote, hit the Add quote button in the text editor bar.
You can edit or remove a quote using the buttons on the placeholder.
You can insert the following lists:
- Unordered (bulleted) lists
- Ordered (numbered) lists
To insert a list:
- Enter the list items. After every item, press the enter key on your keyboard.
- Highlight all the list items.
- Hit the relevant button in the text editor bar:
- Add / remove bulleted list
- Add / remove numbered list
To remove a list:
- Highlight the list.
- Hit the relevant button in the text editor bar:
- Add / remove bulleted list
- Add / remove numbered list
Indent text
You can increase or decrease the indent for a block of text (a paragraph or a heading). When you increase the indent, the text starts further along the page.
To increase the indent:
- Highlight the text.
- Hit the Increase indent button in the text editor bar.
To decrease the indent:
- Highlight the text.
- Hit the Decrease indent button in the text editor bar.
Align text
You can change the text alignment for a block of text (a paragraph or a heading). The following options are available:
Align left
Align right
Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text Justify text
To change the text alignment:
- Highlight the text you want to align.
- Hit the relevant button in the text editor bar:
- Align left
- Center
- Align right
- Justify
You can insert a simple link to another webpage. To insert a link:
- Highlight the link text.
- Hit the Insert link button in the text editor bar.
- To create a link to another webpage, ensure Link to URL is selected.
- Under URL, enter the URL for the link.
- Under Link option, choose your preferred option:
- Open in new tab: Suggested for pages from an external site.
- Open in same window: Suggested for pages from the same site.
- Hit Add.
The following rules apply for defining the URL:
- Relative links are not supported. For example, enter "rferl.org/Farda-English" not "Farda-English".
- Links that include non-Latin script (such as "ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Заглавная_страница") are fully supported.
- If you face issues, ensure the URL does not include a trailing space at the end. You will not be able to add the link if the URL includes a space.
To edit a link:
- Right-click the link.
- Hit Add link.
To remove a link:
- Right-click the link.
- Hit Unlink.
You can create an anchor. After the anchor is created, you can insert a link on the same page that points to the anchor. This will direct visitors to a different part of the same page.
To create an anchor:
- Highlight the anchor text.
- Hit the Add anchor button in the text editor bar.
- Provide the anchor name. You will need to enter this name when you insert a link to the anchor. The name will also be visible in the URL after a visitor clicks the link.
- Hit Add.
The anchor is created and is marked with a red flag.
To remove the anchor:
- Right-click the anchor.
- Select Remove anchor.
To edit or check the anchor name:
- Right-click the anchor.
- Select Add anchor.
To insert a link to an anchor:
- Highlight the link text.
- Hit the Insert link button in the text editor bar.
- Select Link to anchor in the text to create a link to an anchor.
- Enter the anchor name that you provided when creating the anchor.
- Hit Add.
You can insert a simple table:
- Position the cursor where you want to insert the table.
- Select the Add table button in the text editor bar.
- Enter the desired number of rows and columns.
- Under Headers, specify which cells will be header cells. Header cells have a gray background.
- Hit Add.
The empty table is inserted. Enter text in each cell. The width and height of each cell is set automatically, according to the amount of text.
To edit an existing table:
- Right-click the cell, row, or column that you want to edit.
- Select your preferred option.
Special characters
You can insert a special character (such as $, ©, or ½).
To insert a special character:
- Position the cursor where you want to insert the special character.
- Hit the Insert special character button in the text editor bar.
- Select the special character you want to insert.
Keyboard shortcuts
Our text editor supports the following keyboard shortcuts:
- Bold (Ctrl + B) / (⌘ Command + B)
- Italic (Ctrl + I) / (⌘ Command + I)
- Underline (Ctrl + U) / (⌘ Command + U)
- Copy (Ctrl + C) / (⌘ Command + C)
- Paste (Ctrl + V) / (⌘ Command + V)
- Cut (Ctrl + X) / (⌘ Command + X)
- Undo (Ctrl + Z) / (⌘ Command + Z)
- Redo (Ctrl + Y) / (⌘ Command + Y)