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7.13 Release Highlights

In release 7.13  we are bringing desired features for Responsive sites, such as AMP version of article pages, Telegram and Simple Captcha on Subscribe Page. We have also introduced new website Polygraph as a joint project of VOA & RFE/RL.


In release 7.13 we are bringing desired features for Responsive sites, such as AMP version of article pages, Telegram for sharing and Follow Us and Simple Captcha on Subscribe Page. We have also introduced new website Polygraph as a joint project of VOA & RFE/RL. More in Release notes.

New Features - Responsive Web Sites & CMS

AMP Version on Article Pages​

In order to improve user experience for our mobile users, we have created Pangea Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Articles. AMP Project is an open source initiative where publishers can create a mobile optimized content and have it loaded instantly everywhere.
Please, be aware that Google currently supports AMP technology in 12 countries: Brazil, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russian and United States.

Therefore only websites producing content to the mentioned countries can expect their content to be visible AMP Pangea articles on Google Search pages on local market. For more informartion about the AMP Project, find out on the official website.

Polygraph site - Joint VOA & RFE/RL Project

Pangea Team has been recently working on a new website named Pollygraph for which we created a new FactCheck content type, offering editors an option to write a statment with information about author and add a verdict. For new content type, we have also developed FactCheck Archive page and new widget layout.

Sharing Content on Responsive

We created a new "Responsive.Sharing" configuration key that allows web admins to enable sharing through social networks. You can see all of the offered social networks in the default value of the system configuration. With this key you can also set the order of the social network sharing buttons by positioning the name of social network - the sharing buttons will be displayed in order as written in configuration key.

Telegram - Share & Follow Us Button

As per requests from our users, we are introducing new social network share button for Telegram for sharing the content. To set this configuration key, add "Telegram" to the list of social networks mentioned on the key. Also, please, do not forget to localize the key of the text displayed on Telegram share button "MobileSite.Social.ShareOnTelegram".

It is also possible to add Telegram to Follow Us widget. For the services interested in showing this option on their websites, please set up a Telegram account with "MobileSite.Social.FollowOnTelegram" localization key and add it to the Follow Us widget by typing "Telegram" in "Responsive.FollowUs" key in System Configuration.

Support of Tables on Responsive Websites

As of Pangea release 7.13, display of tables is available again together with all already created tables. We have also simplified settings for editing tables in CKEditor.

Video Sharing

In order to increase sharing of live and on-demand video content via social media, we implemented a sharing option to the video player. The options are displayed in sharing overlay and can be configured in CMS.

Clicking the option will open the player sharing overlay:

Simple Captcha on Subscribe Page

To minimize issues with spam or fake accounts, we have set up a Simple Captcha on Subscribe page. This should smooth out the issues with receiving newsletters that we have encountered in the past.
Please, do not forget to translate all "SimpleCaptcha" keys.

New Layout - Code name "Fred"

As of this release, we are also introducing a new widget layout for the content widget with black backgrounder having a code name "Fred".
This layout allows the users set the title of the content across the content`s image. The layout does not allow showing content`s introduction, however it has well known settings such as Display zone / label / time.

Big Image Widget - enable introduction

Based on our users` requests, we have enabled displaying of the introductions on the "Big Images".

If you have any further questions regarding new functionalities, please contact our Customer Care team.

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