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Released on Sep 2016

7.12 Release Highlights
7.12 Release Highlights


In release 7.12 we are bringing desired features for Responsive sites, such as Widget Library, Syndication tool, New Content Zone Layout or Slide-in widget for promoting special content.
We have also updated BBG Direct with multiple new features by adding a new category, localizations and extended search functionality. More in Release notes.

New Features - Responsive Web Sites & CMS

Widget Library

In order to facilitate your work with Sections and Widgets, we are introducing a new feature called Widget Library. This tool should help you create and add your most favorite and/or frequently used widgets to the library and allow you to re-use them on various different sections. There will be no need to create the same widget multiple time as by adding it to the Widget Library, it will be accessible and easy to attach.

We have also prepared new action buttons for the widgets: Add from Library for attaching new widgets and Replace from Library and Add to Library for the attachment of existing widgets.

Video Distribution to Dailymotion

Based on requests from our users, we have added an option to establish a distribution account for videos to Dailymotion. For those, who would like to add the distribution account, please contact our Customer Care team for the assistance.

Please note, that there are certain limitations for each account set by Dailymotion, namely:

  • It is possible to share only 4 videos per hour
  • It is possible to share only 2 hours of videos (in total) per day
  • The shared video must be no longer than 60 minutes long
  • The shared video must no bigger than 2GB

Video & Live Streaming Embed Code Sharing

For those users, which would like to share videos on-demand and/or live streaming content to 3rd party websites, we have developed an interactive Embed Code Sharing. This option can be reached on media page and be opened by pressing the "< / >" button on video player.

Slide-in widget for promoting special content

Our new feature - Slide-in Widget - has been developed to help our users promote a special content such as advertisements, RSS, special internal/external content on article pages (articles, blogs, features).
If you would like to start using a slide-in widget, you can do so by going to Sections > Slide-in widget, where you can create a new content widget and assign it to zone in Settings Tab. It is possible to promote only 1 item in this widget.

The slide-in widget is triggered on a scroll on a content page of the selected zone. Small devices such as mobile phones, will display the widget at the of the article above the footer.

Attaching Poll to Articles

As of this release, it will be possible to attach polls to the articles - simply by inserting it via CKEditor.

The poll will render inside of the article, so the reader can vote directly without leaving the website.

New Simple Captcha

We have developed a new simple captcha for the comments. Once the captcha is enabled, the authors of comments will required to complete a simple match challenge.
We have designed the match challeneges to be very easy, so the operands will be of one digit only. This captcha is also designed to work with no JavaScript.

For those services, which are already using captcha for comments or would like to start using it, make sure the new keys are properly translated (you can find them under SimpleCaptcha.*). For more information,please, contact our Customer Care Team.

RSS, Podcast and E-mail Subscribe icons in Follow us widget

As of this release, RSS, Podcast and E-mail subsribe icons will be added to the Follow us widget.
By using the following localization key Responsive.FollowUs you can manage and change the order of the icons. However, please make sure the translations are accurate before attaching them on your website by checking the key Responsive.Social.FollowOn.

Title on Responsive Sections

This feature helps the editors to localize the titles of sections on frontend. To do so, check the check-box "Localize title" when creating a new section.
The feature is automatically disabled on already existing sections and therefore, to localize the titles on them, it is necessary to do so manually.

Special Layout for Content Zone Archive

Yet another popular design has been brought from Desktop and it is a layout for content zone archive page. As of release 7.12, there will be not only the layout with thumbnails, but also another layout with open items.
Defaultly, it displays 2 items on a zone page, however you can increase the number of items by using the following configuration key in Pangea CMS: Responsive.ZoneArchive.Layout.BlogType.PageSize.
Also, there is default display of 2 the social icons on zone page, but again it is editable by the configuration key: Responsive.Share.ZoneArchive.ShownIconsCount.

Sticky Navigation on mobile devices

We have implemented a sticky navigation for mobile devices and removed "Back to Top" button. The sticky navigation is displayed on mobile devices with screens 320px and bigger.

Time & Date on Frontend

As of this release, it is possible to set time and date that will be displayed below the primary navigation. For Persian websites, we have combined Gregorian and Persian calendar as it used to be on Users, which would like to activate this feature need to change following configuration key: Responsive.Common.LocalDateTimeLabel.Enabled.

A similar key can be used for setting up also the capital city: Common.CapitalCity.

BBG Direct Improvements

Editor`s Choice

The Editor`s choice is a new category available on the left navigation menu. This featurehighlights hardly reachable categories, e.g. Learning English, Current Time or English Africa.
A part of this feature is the possibility to show the content according the user`s language. After login, the user will see the defaultly set item with her/his language.

Video With Transcript

With this release, we are delivering a new feature that enables connection of videos and transcripts and allows the editors to work with both items in one place. If you would like to start using this feature, it is necessary to set connection through related content between video and a transcript.

Media Duration Filter

Another new feature has been added to left navigation. We are offering a way, how to specify your search criteria for duration of video or audio files. The filter is supposed to make it easier when searching for short programs or whole episodes.

HTTPS Protocol

As mentioned in our previous release highlights, Pangea Digital Team is currently working on migration to the HTTPS protocol. Similarly to responsive website, also BBG Direct on the roadmap of migration. However, the end users will not notice any major changes except a green lock icon in the address bar. We would like to share the status of the migration:

  • The development work is completed for all Pangea sub-systems
  • We have put in place a process for provisioning trusted HTTPS certificates on the CDN level for all the Pangea domains.
  • After this release, we will start with the actual migration. It should be seamless - any current links (http:// ) will be redirected to its secure version (https:// )
  • We are expecting to complete the migration by the end of the year 2016 as it is required by the Policy to Require Secure Connections across Federal Websites and Web Servers.

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