Manage tubes for automated streaming

What's inside this article:

What is a tube?

Each tube creates a new schedule for streaming live video or audio content. On the public site, a tube behaves like a TV channel or a radio station where different live shows are scheduled throughout the day. Visitors can check the schedule for each tube and start watching or listening to a live show.

Two tube types are available:

  • Video: for streaming video content.
  • Audio: for streaming audio content.

We can connect each tube to the source of your choice.

How can I schedule a show?

You can update the schedule for any tube using the Scheduler & Template week tool in Pangea CMS. Go to Stream > Scheduler & Template week .

If your site has multiple tubes , select which tube you want to manage using the Tubes drop-down menu.

For detailed information, see the following articles:

How is live content delivered to my site?

Each tube for your site is connected to one source. While a show is scheduled in Pangea CMS, the current content from the connected source is streamed to your site.

NOTE: Special rules apply for 24/7 tubes.

One source is typically shared by multiple services. For example, the same source might deliver content for one service from 3PM-4PM and another service from 4PM-5PM. To avoid accidentally streaming content that was produced for another service, it is important to set the correct start and end time for every show that is scheduled in Pangea CMS.

NOTE: For shared sources, a timetable is agreed between the relevant services and departments. This regulates when the source can be used to deliver content for different services.

How can I request a new tube?

To request a new tube , contact Pangea Customer Care. You can open a Jira ticket using the link below:

Include the following details in your request:

How can I request updates for an existing tube?

To request any updates for an existing tube, contact Pangea Customer Care. You can open a Jira ticket using the link below:

For information about the customization options that are available on request for individual tubes, go to the section below.

What customization options are available for individual tubes?

The following customization options are available on request for individual tubes:

Social media streaming

We can enable streaming to social media for any video tube on request.

When this option is enabled, the Multimedia distribution section is available in the settings for every Video show. Via Multimedia distribution, you can request that any show is streamed to a maximum of one YouTube and one Facebook account. For details, see the following article:

Early start

We can enable early start for any video tube on request.

Early start is useful if your service streams shows to YouTube. This is because YouTube requires around one minute to process and encode every streaming request. If early start is not enabled, this process only begins at the scheduled start time for your show. This means that your show will not start until around one minute after the scheduled start time (the first minute might be cut).

When early start is enabled, YouTube will start processing and encoding each request around one minute before the scheduled start time. This means your show will be ready to start at the scheduled start time and the beginning will not be cut.

24/7 streaming

We can enable 24/7 streaming for any tube on request (video or audio).

When this option is enabled, content from the connected source streams to your site 24/7. This applies even if no shows are scheduled.

NOTE: 24/7 streaming can only be enabled if the connected source is not shared with any other services.

With 24/7 streaming enabled, it is not required to schedule individual shows via Scheduler & Template week. However, you might consider scheduling your shows to access the following functionality:

  • Add a title, description, and image for each show.
  • Stream individual shows to social media.
  • Record individual shows.


We can enable recording for any tube on request (video or audio).

When this option is enabled, the Record box is available in the settings for every Video show and Broadcast program. Tick this option before the start of a show to request that the show is recorded. Recording a show lets visitors watch or listen to the recording after the show has ended.

IMPORTANT: Request recording at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time for the episode. Otherwise, recording might not work.

Hidden tube

We can hide any tube on request (video or audio).

While a tube is hidden, it is not visible on the public site and scheduled shows are not streamed publicly. Any tube can be temporarily hidden or displayed as needed. This option is useful for covering special events that are time-limited (such as elections).

NOTE: Only Pangea streaming specialists can hide and display tubes. To make a request, contact Pangea Customer Care.

What metadata do I need to provide for each tube?

Services need to provide the following metadata for every tube:

  • Tube name
  • Tube description

Services might also provide a graphic (image) for any tube if needed.

When you request a new tube, please include the necessary metadata. You might also request updates to the metadata for an existing tube. To request any updates regarding tubes, contact Pangea Customer Care.

Review the sections below for more details:

Tube name

Every tube has a unique name that is visible on the public site as follows:

  • On the broadcast schedule page
  • On the live page while no live show is currently streaming

The name should clearly communicate the purpose of the tube in human-readable language. We do not recommend including internal jargon, technical specifications, or other details that might be confusing for regular website visitors.

Tube description

Every tube has a unique description that is visible on the public site. The description is displayed on the live page while no live show is currently streaming.

The description should clearly communicate what visitors can expect from the tube in human-readable language. We do not recommend including internal jargon, technical specifications, or other details that might be confusing for regular website visitors.

Tube graphic

Your service can optionally provide a graphic for any tube. The tube graphic is visible on the public site if no image is provided for an individual show in Scheduler & Template week. This option is useful if your shows do not have unique artwork (or as a fallback option incase the artwork for a show is not added).

NOTE: Provide a graphic with horizontal orientation (aspect ratio 16:9).