Create and display a Loop video

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Basic information

A Loop video is a short video that plays on repeat with no sound. Loop videos are typically no more than around 10-15 seconds in length. On Pangea sites, a Loop video can be displayed on a Content widget or as the Main visual on a content page. The Loop video upload tool in Pangea CMS creates Loop videos from regular video files.

NOTE: A published Loop video is not a standalone content page. Loop video is a supporting content type that can be displayed on other pages.

This article explains how to create and display a Loop video from Pangea CMS.

Upload a video file

First, you need to upload the relevant video file to Pangea CMS.

Go to Create > Multimedia > Loop video to upload a new video file. When you use this option, Pangea CMS creates a Loop video from your chosen video file.

For detailed information about the upload process, see the following article:

Add the Loop video settings

Define the following settings for the new Loop video:


Under Thumbnail, define the video frame you want to use as the thumbnail.

The thumbnail is the static version of a Loop video. This version of the Loop video is displayed on the public site when the dynamic (moving) version of the Loop video is not supported.


Add a title for the Loop video in the local language for your site.

The title for a Loop video serves the following purposes:

  • The title identifies the Loop video internally in Pangea CMS.
  • The title is displayed by default as the caption for the Loop video on the public site. Editors can create a custom caption if preferred.


Optionally provide a short introduction with additional information about the Loop video.

The introduction is accessible only in Pangea CMS (not on the public site).

Publish the Loop video

A Loop video is assigned the Published status as soon as the video file is fully uploaded and processed. However, the Loop video is not accessible on the public site until it is manually displayed on a content page or a widget.

Display a Loop video as a Main visual

A Loop video can be displayed as the Main visual on the following text content page types:

  • Article
  • Blog
  • Feature
  • Feature story
  • Live blog
  • News
  • Transcript

The steps below assume that the edit screen for the text content page is already open in Pangea CMS. To learn how to create a content page from the beginning, see the following article:

To display a Loop video as the Main visual on a content page:

  1. Go to Editor > Select content on the edit screen for the text content page.
  2. Select the Content tab.
  3. Under Content type, select Loop video. Set the additional search filters according to your needs.
  4. Hit Search to refresh the search results.
  5. Select the Loop video you want to display.
  6. Add the caption directly below the Loop video. An effective caption provides context for the visual and explains its relevance to the story.

The changes are not published until you hit Publish or Publish & close in the bottom-right corner of the edit screen.

We suggest you also add the Loop video to the Website teaser settings for the content page. Otherwise, only the static version of the Loop video will be displayed if the content page is promoted on a Content widget.

Add a Loop video to the Website teaser settings

You can add a Loop video to the Website teaser settings for any content page. After you perform this action, the dynamic (moving) version of the Loop video will be displayed automatically when the content page is promoted on a Content widget (as long as the conditions for displaying a Loop video are met).

To add a Loop video to the Website teaser settings for a content page:

  1. Go to Website teaser on the edit screen for the content page.
  2. Add the Loop video under Loop video.

The changes are not published until you hit Publish or Publish & close in the bottom-right corner of the edit screen.

Display a Loop video on a Content widget

You can add a Loop video to a Content widget directly from the widget builder.

This option is only available if Manual or Semi-auto mode is enabled in the widget builder. Via Semi-auto mode, this option is only available for manual items.

Review the sections below


The steps below assume that the widget builder for the Content widget is already open in Pangea CMS. To learn how to build a new Content widget from the beginning, see the following article:

To display a Loop video on a Content widget:

  1. Go to the Content section in the widget builder.
  2. Select Add teaser / Edit teaser in the relevant item box.
  3. Under Loop video, select the Loop video you want to display.
  4. Choose your preferred option:
    • Update widget teaser: Display the Loop video on the current widget only.
    • Update website teaser: Display the Loop video on the current widget and add the Loop video to the Website teaser settings for the content page.
  5. Hit Save or Save & close in the widget builder.

The Loop video is now displayed on the widget (if the conditions for displaying a Loop video are met).


A Content widget only displays the dynamic (moving) version of a Loop video if the following conditions are met:

  • The widget layout supports Loop videos.
  • Display Loop video is ticked in the widget Layout settings.

The following Content widget layouts support Loop videos:

  • Big image + thumbnails
  • Big images
  • Top story
  • Top story package
NOTE: Loop videos are only displayed on Content widgets. Loop videos are not supported and will not be displayed on any other widget types.