CMS 8.33 - Release highlights

IMPORTANT: The CMS 8.33 release is primarily technical and does not include a large number of visible updates for users. For this reason, we will not be holding a release presentation for the 8.33 release.

Release schedule:

The CMS 8.33 release is scheduled for July 23rd 2024 at the times listed below:

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
  • Prague time: 06:00 am - 07:30 am
  • DC / Miami time: 00:00 am - 01:30 am
Voice of America
  • DC / Miami time: 02:30 am - 04:00 am
  • Prague time: 08:30 am - 10:00 am
Office of Cuba Broadcasting
  • DC / Miami time: 04:00 am - 05:00 am
  • Prague time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Prague time: 07:30 am - 08:30 am
  • DC / Miami time: 01:30 am - 02:30 am

What's new?

Technical updates

This release brings various technical updates for Pangea CMS. Our main aims have been to:

  • Lay the groundwork for future system upgrades and new functionality.
  • Further optimize our codebase to improve speed and stability.

These updates impact background processes and the structure of our code but are not directly visible for users.

Subscription widget to CMS 8

IMPORTANT: The Subscription widget is connected to the inbuilt newsletter distribution tool in Pangea CMS. If your service uses a third-party tool for newsletter distribution (such as Mailchimp), you cannot use the Subscription widget.

We have migrated the Subscription widget edit screen to CMS 8. This means improved performance and usability for users who work with Subscription widgets. As part of migration, we have added the following functionality that was previously unavailable for the Subscription widget:

  • (A): Preview: Check how a Subscription widget will look before you publish it.
  • (B): Embed code: Retrieve the embed code for a Subscription widget. This lets you embed the widget into the body of a content page (such as an article).

The Subscription widget lets website visitors enter an email address to subscribe to a particular newsletter topic.

To learn more about the Subscription widget, see our dedicated guide: