CMS 8.20 - Release highlights

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IMPORTANT: Due to the smaller scale of the 8.20 release, we do not plan to schedule a Pangea release presentation. The next presentation will come with the release of Pangea CMS 8.21 at the beginning of February 2023.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding the 8.20 release.

Release schedule

The release of Pangea CMS 8.20 is scheduled for December 6th 2022 at the times specified below:

  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.: 06:00 - 07:30 Prague time / 00:00 - 01:30 DC time
  • LibertyNet: 07:30 - 08:30 Prague time / 01:30 - 02:30 DC time
  • Voice of America (VOA): 08:30 - 10:00 Prague time / 02:30 - 04:00 DC time
  • Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB): 10:00 - 11:00 Prague time / 04:00 - 05:00 DC time

What's new?

CMS 8 Widget list

Pangea CMS 8.20 includes an improved Widget list screen in the latest CMS 8 design. Widget list is available via Sections > Widget List.

The Widget list lists all the individual widgets that are currently displayed on your website.

The new Widget list screen offers improved options for searching and filtering the displayed widgets. You can:

  • Search for a widget based on keywords.
  • Display only widgets that are visible in a specific place on the public website (for example, all widgets from a specific Section page).

For detailed information about the Widget list, see the following article:

YouTube added to third-party podcast distributors

You can now add YouTube to the list of third-party podcast distributors that appears after a visitor clicks Subscribe on the public website.

The new YouTube URL box is visible on the Edit Category (Zone) screen for all TV and Radio categories when the Podcast Enabled setting is ticked.

Enter the YouTube URL for the podcast in this box. After you save the changes, YouTube is included on the list of third-party distributors for the podcast.

For detailed information about podcast setup, see the following article:

Square images for episodes on the podcast feed

We've updated the RSS feed for podcasts. Each episode is now assigned a square image (taken from the podcast settings on the Edit Category (Zone) screen).

This ensures that the images for individual episodes are displayed properly via all third-party podcast distributors.

For detailed information about podcast setup, see the following articles:

New podcast tracking

In cooperation with the USAGM OPR office, we've implemented podcast tracking (powered by the third-party Backtracks tool). The aim is to track podcast consumption and engagement across various distribution platforms.

This functionality will be rolled-out gradually, in close cooperation with USAGM OPR and the digital strategy teams for each entity.

Slider Gallery BETA to default

In the 8.20 release, Slider Gallery BETA will become the default tool for creating Slider Gallery pages.

This means the following changes:

  • Slider Gallery BETA will be renamed to Slider Gallery throughout the Pangea CMS user interface.
  • The old Slider Gallery edit screen in Pangea CMS will no longer be available.
  • When you copy a Slider Gallery page, you will see the new CMS 8 Slider Gallery edit screen.

For information about creating a Slider Gallery, see the following article:

Improvements on the Live Blog edit screen

We've created a clearer and more unified workflow for adding a Highlights or Summary section to a Live Blog.

Select either Highlights or Summary in the drop-down menu, and click Select content to add the content.

For detailed information about Highlights, see the following article:

Bug fix: Trends widget cannot be created in the Widget library

We received reports that users were unable to create Trends widgets via the Widget library. This bug is fixed in Pangea CMS 8.20, so it is once again possible to create a new Trends widget in the Widget library.

'Most popular' and 'Latest comments' widget removal

The Most popular and Latest comments widgets will no longer be available after the 8.20 release. This means:

  • All Most popular and Latest comments widgets on the public website will disappear.
  • The Most popular and Latest comments options will no longer be available in the left panel on Section Editor screens.

To avoid disruption on your sites, please take the following actions before the upcoming release:

  • Remove any Most popular and Latest comments widgets from publicly visible pages.
  • Replace each widget with a different one (such as a Trends widget), or adjust the page layout to avoid white space.

For detailed information about the Trends widget, which replaces the Most popular widget, see the following article: