Manage Sub navigations

What's inside this article:

Basic information

A Sub navigation is a collection of links organized horizontally that is displayed below your site header. A Sub navigation provides quick access to key pages. You can display a Sub navigation on any Section or Infopage. The same Sub navigation can be displayed on one or multiple pages. You might display a Sub navigation on your homepage, which is a Section page.

You can create and manage Sub navigations from Pangea CMS. This article explains how to create a new Sub navigation and display it on pages.

Open the Sub navigation list

To get started, go to Settings > Navigation menu > Sub navigation.

About Sub navigation items

Every Sub navigation on the public site includes at least one link.

On the Sub navigation list in Pangea CMS, every Sub navigation includes the following elements:

  • (A): Title: The title identifies the Sub navigation in Pangea CMS and is not displayed on the public site.
  • (B): Links: The links for each Sub navigation are listed under the title. The text matches the link text on the public site. The order of the links also matches the order on the public site.

Create a new Sub navigation

Hit + Add new to create a new Sub navigation.

To create a new Sub navigation, follow the steps in the sections below in order:

1. Enter the title

Under Title, enter a title to identify the Sub navigation in Pangea CMS. The title will not be displayed on the public site.

2. Choose where the Sub navigation is displayed

Under Displayed on, optionally select one or more pages. You can choose any Section or Infopage that is published on your site. The Sub navigation will be displayed on each selected page.

NOTE: One page can display only one Sub navigation. If you select a page where a different Sub navigation is already displayed, the current Sub navigation on the page will be removed and replaced with the new Sub navigation.

3. Add links

To add the first link to the Sub navigation, Hit + Add link.

Configure the link settings. Then, hit Add. The Sub navigation is not yet saved in Pangea CMS and is not yet displayed on the public site. You can continue to add more links to the Sub navigation.

4. Set the order of links

After adding multiple links, use the drop-down menu to define the position for each link. For example, if you select 1, the link is positioned first.

5. Save the Sub navigation

Hit Save or Save & close when you are satisfied with the Sub navigation. After you perform this action, the Sub navigation is saved in Pangea CMS. If you selected one or more pages under Displayed on, the Sub navigation is displayed on the selected page(s). If no pages are selected, the Sub navigation is not yet displayed on the public site. You can add it to a page later.

The new Sub navigation is added at the bottom of the list. You can move the Sub navigation using the drop-down menu next to the Title. This action only changes the position of the Sub navigation in Pangea CMS. Navigation on the public site is not affected.

Configure a link

A Sub navigation might include a link to any type of page (including pages from external sites).

Via Link, choose from the following options:

  • Link to Category: Link to a Category page from your site.
  • Link to Section: Link to a Section page from your site.
  • Link to Infopage: Link to an Infopage from your site.
  • Link to Special page: Link to a special page from your site (such as your Program index or Schedule page).
  • Manual link: Manually define the URL for the link. Use this option to create a link to a page from an external site.

Under Link text, enter the link text that will be displayed on the public site.

In the final menu, select the specific page you want to link to. Start typing the name of a page to find it without scrolling.

If Manual link is selected under Link, you need to configure the following details:

  • URL: Define the URL for the link. For pages from the same site, you can enter a relative URL (such as /home). For pages from external sites, enter the full URL (such as
  • Link option: Choose your preferred option:
    • Open in same window: Recommended for pages from the same site.
    • Open in new tab: Recommended for pages from external sites.

Add a Sub navigation to a page

You can add a Sub navigation to any Section or Infopage.

Add a Sub navigation to a page from either of the following places in Pangea CMS:

Sub navigation settings

To add a Sub navigation to on one or multiple pages:

  1. Go to Settings > Navigation menu > Sub navigation.
  2. Select the Title for the Sub navigation.
  3. Under Displayed on, select one or more pages.
  4. Select Save or Save & close.

The Sub navigation is now added to each selected page.

NOTE: One page can display only one Sub navigation. If you select a page where a different Sub navigation is already displayed, the current Sub navigation on the page will be removed and replaced with the new Sub navigation.

Section / Infopage builder

To add a Sub navigation to a single Section / Infopage:

  1. Go to Build in the primary navigation.
  2. Select Sections or Infopages.
  3. Choose the specific page where you want to add the Sub navigation.
  4. Select General in the left panel.
  5. Under Sub navigation, select the Sub navigation you want to add.
  6. Select Publish or Publish & close.

The Sub navigation is now added to the page.

Add a new link to a Sub navigation

Via the Sub navigation list in Pangea CMS, you can add an extra link to an existing Sub navigation:

  1. Hover over the Title for the Sub navigation and select the + Add link button.
  2. Configure the link settings.
  3. Hit Save or Save & close.

The new link is added as the last item in the Sub navigation. To change the position, use the drop-down menu next to the link. The order of the links on the Sub navigation list in Pangea CMS matches the order of the links on the public site.

Hide a Sub navigation

Every Sub navigation on the Sub navigation list in Pangea CMS has one of the following statuses:

  • (A): Enabled: The Sub navigation is displayed on the public site (if it has been added to a page).
  • (B): Disabled: The Sub navigation is hidden and is not displayed on the public site (even if it has been added to a page).

You can hide a whole Sub navigation (including all links):

  1. Hover over the Title for the Sub navigation.
  2. Select Disable.

The status for the Sub navigation changes to Disabled. This action hides the whole Sub navigation (including all links). However, the status for each link in Pangea CMS does not change.

You can also hide an individual link. After you perform this action, only the individual link is hidden. The Sub navigation remains visible on the public site (minus the hidden link).