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Use Semi-auto mode to create a widget


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Basic information

This article explains how you can use Semi-auto mode to add content to a widget. Semi-auto mode is available for the following widget types in Pangea CMS:

  • Content widget
  • FactCheck widget

How does Semi-auto mode work?

When Semi-auto mode is enabled, the widget promotes a combination of manual items (according to the rules for "Manual" mode) and auto items (according to the rules for "Auto" mode).

This works basically as follows:

Manual items

Each manual item is manually selected in the widget builder. A manual item will not be removed from the widget, unless it is removed manually. You can set the position for every manual item. Manual items do not move down the widget as new auto items are added. The position of each manual item remains as set, unless the widget is manually updated.

The following special options are also available for manual items:

  • Teaser: Customize the widget teaser for any manual item.
  • Placeholder: Create a placeholder as a manual item.

Auto items

Auto items are automatically selected, according to the defined criteria in the widget builder. For example, the widget might be set up to always promote the 5 most recent Videos from a particular Category.

This works basically as follows:

  • The auto items on the widget are listed in order of publication, with the most recently published item listed first.
  • When a new item is published that meets the defined criteria, the item is automatically added as the top auto item on the widget.
  • When a new auto item is added to the widget, the oldest auto item is automatically removed from the widget to make space.

Enable Semi-auto mode

To enable Semi-auto mode, hit Semi-auto in the Content section of the widget builder.

To learn how to build a new widget from the beginning, see the relevant article below:

Add manual items

Hit Set manual content to add manual items.

For detailed information, see the following article:

Your selected manual items are displayed below the Auto settings. All manual items are marked with the Manual mode badge.

The following options are available for manual items:

Add auto items

Under Auto settings, define the criteria to control which auto items are promoted on the widget.

For detailed information, see the following article:

After completing the Auto settings, hit Update to check which items currently meet the defined criteria. By default, the auto items are displayed below the manual items.

All auto items are marked with the Auto mode badge.

The following options are available for auto items: