Update Scheduler

What's inside this article:

Basic information

Scheduler shows the broadcast schedule as it appears on the public site. Each block represents an individual episode of a show.

This article explains how to update Scheduler (and the broadcast schedule on the public site) to include the latest data from Template week.

For general information about Scheduler & Template week, see the alternative article below:

About Template week

Template week lets you manage the basic template for live broadcasting. Each block represents a regular show that streams a new unique episode at the same time each week.

When you make changes in Template week, your changes are not immediately visible in Scheduler or on the public site. Scheduler is automatically updated on a regular basis with the latest data from Template week. You can also update Scheduler manually. For details, go to the sections below:

Wait for automatic updates

Scheduler is automatically updated on a regular basis with the latest data from Template week. This process works as follows:

  • At the end of each day, CMS takes the Template week data for the current day. This data is added in Scheduler on the same day but two weeks in the future. For example, at the end of the day on Monday March 1st, CMS takes the current Template week data for Monday and applies it in Scheduler for Monday March 14th.
  • On the date where the automatic update is applied (in this case, Monday March 14th), the data from Template week overwrites any existing data in Scheduler.
NOTE: If you need the data from Template week to be added sooner than two weeks in the future, update Scheduler manually.

Update Scheduler manually

To manually add the latest data from Template week to Scheduler:

  1. Select the Template week view.
  2. Ensure the correct tube is selected under Tubes.
  3. Select Update schedule.
  4. Define the time period for the update (the data from Template week will overwrite any data in Scheduler during the defined time period). Provide the following details:
    • Start date: The first date when data from Template week will be added. It is not possible to select the current day.
    • End date: The last date when data from Template week will be added.
  5. Hit Update.

The data from Template week is added in Scheduler (and on the public site) during the defined time period.

NOTE: If repeats are removed from Scheduler after you manually update an audio tube, review Avoid removal of repeats.

Avoid removal of repeats

NOTE: The information in this section applies only for audio tubes.

If the defined time period for a manual update includes a repeat without the original program, the repeat will not be added to Scheduler (you will see an empty slot in the schedule).

For example, a program might be scheduled for September 1st with a repeat scheduled for September 2nd. If you run a manual update covering the time period September 2nd - September 10th (or any time period that does not include September 1st), the repeat on September 2nd will not be added to Scheduler.

The following solutions are available:

  • If possible, let CMS update Scheduler automatically. This issue does not occur during automatic updates.
  • If possible, ensure the defined time period for the manual update includes the date of the original program for any repeats.
  • If neither of the above solutions are possible, you need to manually create the repeat(s) again in Scheduler after running the update.