Manage Video shows

What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to manage Video shows via Scheduler & Template week.

For general information about Scheduler & Template week, see the alternative article below:

Open Scheduler & Template week

To get started, go to Stream > Scheduler & Template week in the primary navigation.

Select a tube

If your site has multiple tubes, select the video tube you want to manage using the Tubes drop-down menu. Video tubes are marked with the camera icon.

For detailed information about tubes, including how to request a new tube, see the following article:

Select a view

When you use Scheduler & Template week, hit the tabs in the left panel to switch between the "Scheduler" and "Template week" views.

The basic purpose of each view is described below:

  • Scheduler: Check the broadcast schedule as it appears on the public site. If desired, add unique settings for an individual episode.
  • Template week: Manage the basic template for live broadcasting. Schedule a regular show that will stream a new unique episode at the same time each week. Update the general settings for a show that will apply automatically for all new episodes.

For detailed information, see the following article:

Schedule a new Video show

You can schedule a regular Video show that will stream a new unique episode at the same time each week.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Tempate week.
  2. Select an empty time slot. You will be able to define the exact start and end time in the Video show settings.
  3. Select Add.
  4. Complete the Video show settings.
  5. Hit Save to confirm.

The Video show is now added to Template week.

Changes made in Template week are not applied on the public site until after the data from Template week is added to Scheduler. The latest data from Template week is automatically added to Scheduler on a regular basis. If preferred, you can update Scheduler manually. For details, see the following article:

Add unique settings for an episode

After a new episode of a Video show is added to Scheduler, you can add unique settings for the episode. For example, create a unique description to tell visitors exactly what to expect from the episode. You might mention a specific person who will be interviewed or a topic that will be discussed. This approach can generate interest in your content and drive engagement.

To add unique settings for an episode:

  1. Select Scheduler.
  2. Select the episode you want to update.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Update the Video show settings.
  5. Hit Save to confirm.

The updated settings are applied in Scheduler and on the public site. Other episodes of the same show are not affected.

Manage settings

The following settings are available for each Video show:

Date or Day

The option you see varies, depending on the selected view:

  • Template week: Select a day of the week under Day. A new unique episode will stream on the selected day each week.
  • Scheduler: Select a date under Date. The individual episode will stream on the selected date.

Enter all dates and times according to your website time (the time for your main audience base).

Start and End

Enter the start and end time for the Video show.

Enter all dates and times according to your website time (the time for your main audience base).

IMPORTANT: Set the correct start and end time to avoid streaming content that was produced for another service. For details about how live content is delivered to Pangea sites, see our separate guide about tubes.

Title and Description

Provide a title and brief description for the Video show.

The title and description are displayed on various pages across the public site (for example, on the live page and broadcast schedule page).

Teaser image

Select unique artwork that will be associated with the Video show.

The artwork is displayed on various pages across the public site (for example, on the live page and broadcast schedule page).

If you tick Use teaser image as poster in the player, the selected Teaser image is displayed in the video player before the video plays.


It is required to connect the Video show to at least one Category.

If episodes of the Video show are recorded, the recordings are automatically added to the selected Category.

Hide from site

If ticked, the Video show will not be listed on the broadcast schedule and will not stream to the public site at the scheduled start time.

This option is provided for shows that stream only to social media.

Record a Video show

IMPORTANT: Request recording at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time for the episode. Otherwise, recording might not work.

If you tick Record, the Video show will be recorded.

After the Video show ends, the recording will be available in Pangea CMS (the content type is Video).

Under Record as, select your preferred option:

  • Draft: The recorded Video will be assigned the Draft status (you will need to publish it manually).
  • Edited: The recorded Video will be assigned the Edited status (you will need to publish it manually).
  • Published: The recorded Video will be assigned the Published status (it will be published automatically).

To avoid creating duplicated content (multiple published content pages with the same metadata), we suggest selecting Draft or Edited. This approach lets you add unique metadata (such as a title and introduction) before publishing each recording. For details, see the following article:

Stream to social media

Once an episode of a Video show is added to Scheduler, you can request automated streaming to a maximum of one YouTube and one Facebook account. If the request is successful, the episode will automatically start streaming via the selected social media accounts at the scheduled start time.

Request automated streaming to social media via the Multimedia distribution section in the Video show settings.

For detailed information, see the following article:

If Multimedia distribution is requested for a Video show, the Video show is highlighted in blue.

Update Scheduler

When you make changes in Template week, your changes are not immediately visible in Scheduler or on the public site. Scheduler is automatically updated on a regular basis with the latest data from Template week. You can also update Scheduler manually. For details, see the following article: