7.16 Release Highlights


The Release 7.16 of Pangea system will bring improvements to existing features as well as the new solutions based on a feedback from our users. We would like to present all components we have been recently working on.

Sticky Video Player

To improve video consumption experience of our users, we bring the first version of sticky video player. Users watching the video on-demand content on article-type pages (articles, news, blog etc.) can now watch the videos without the necessity of keeping player in their viewport.
This means that whenever a user plays the video on-demand content on article-type page and scrolls away from original player, sticky player will activate in the lower right corner of the page.

The sticky video player has been also optimized for mobile devices to achieve the best user experience. Dismissing the sticky player on mobile devices can be achieved by swiping the sticky player left or right.

Latest Comments widget

We developed a new widget which contains the latest comments from the site. The main idea was to develop an interactive widget for web editors to promote content in the different way. The comments are generated automatically in the widget without any intervention of a web editor as web users are commenting the content.
We recommend having moderation for comments set up to avoid inappropriate comments on the site and in the widget.
The widget is available for any widget area (1-2-3-4 column widget area). While creating the widget a web editor should check the maximum amount of comments (default 4) and maximum age of comments (1 days as default).
There is a comment author name displayed with avatar image (once we have profile pages for members, we will display photo), time stamp (from widget settings) and a comment on the widget.
A comment is linked to the comments on the content page (#comments) and commented content title is linked to the top of the content page. If a user is on a proxy or on a device which does not support java-script, a link from a comment in the widget will go to the fallback page for a comment.

When a web user is on the page with the Latest comments widget and a new comment comes, and is approved by a web admin, they will see the New comments Available button to refresh the widget.

Before starting using of the Latest comment widget, please localize

Latest Comments Widget in Pangea CMS

Latest Comments Widget in 4-column widget area

Latest Comments Widget with new comments in 2-column widget area

Sharing Sticky Navigation

From previous release services can set up Social network in the header to promote the service social accounts.

Social Network in the header

To improve user experience for sticky navigation where there are social buttons to share, we created Sticky sharing navigation.
When a web user opens a content page and scrolls the page to the social share buttons, sticky navigation is changing to the sharing sticky navigation with service logo, content title and social network from responsive sharing.
There is a possibility to customize the sharing sticky navigation with
Responsive.Sharing.StickyHeader. We displayed two social networks from the configuration for the Responsive.Sharing. The rest of social buttons will be open on three dots button.

Sticky navigation on any page

Sticky sharing navigation on a content which is possible to share

WhatsApp button - Sharing for all web users (mobile/tablet/desktop)

Before Pangea Release 7.16, WhatsApp for sharing used to be only for mobile users. Because WhatsApp now supports also desktop users, we improved Sharing functionality and created WhatsApp for Desktop.
If a service wants to have WhatsApp for sharing for all web users, a web admin should add WhatsApp and WhatsAppDestkop in the Responsive.Sharing configuration key.

WhatsApp - Follow Us in the footer and header for all web users (mobile/tablet/desktop)

In order to promote our content in a better way and thanks to MBN, we brought also WhatsApp to the Follow us widget in footer and header for all web users (on mobile/ tablets/ desktop).

If a service wants, a web admin can setup WhatsApp to be displayed in the footer and header in the Follow us widget.

Please, do not forget to set up the WhatsApp contact in the configuration before enabling the button with the configuration keys: Responsive.Social.WhatsAppDesktop.UrlFollow and Responsive.Social.WhatsApp.UrlFollow.

And translate text with Responsive.Social.FollowOnWhatsAppDesktop and Responsive.Social.FollowOnWhatsApp.

For web users, there is no need to have a contact number in the devices, the web users will start the conversation with the service after clicking on the WhatsApp icon in the Follow us widget.

Schedule page - adding links

We improved TV and Radio Schedule pages to give web users more links on a schedule page.
A web admin can set up a link to a zone archive pages for a site and a link next to Calendar.
Since release, it is also possible to add links to:

  • Direct/ download links to a recorded/ uploaded file
  • RSS if set up in a zone of the file on TV schedule page for a site
  • Podcast if set up in a zone of the file Radio schedule page for a site
  • iTunes account if set up in a zone of the file Radio schedule page for a site

If you want to have links to RSS, Podcast, iTunes and Download link, please, create a ticket, we will add it for you.

New configuration keys:

  • Schedule.WeeklyCalendar.Tv.Format
  • Schedule.WeeklyCalendar.Radio.Format
  • Schedule.WeeklyCalendar.Enabled
  • Schedule.CrossLink.Zone.Enabled (config key to enable link to a zone)
  • Schedule.CrossLink.Zone.More (localization key)

Link to Schedule Pages - #live-now

To promote Live content on the schedule pages and to have a live show centered on the first load, a web editor should re-do links by adding #live-now to a link.

Captcha for Contact Us widget

To avoid being spammed from the Contact us widget, web admins can enable Captcha in the Contact widget with the config key Responsive.Widget.ContactUs.CaptchaEnabled.

Poll improvements

In this release, we continue with improvements of the Poll functionality – on the widget level. We have enabled adding Poll to content widget, and automatic mode for the poll widget.

Poll widget - automatic mode

The setup is the same as for any other widget in automatic mode – the poll with the latest publication date will be displayed in the widget (pre-selection by zone is supported).

Poll in Content Widget

Poll can now be presented in content widget as well, which allows you to use all the functionalities of content widget for polls. When you attach a poll to content widget, please use the teaser functionality for the main image, as the poll does not support main image in settings.

The poll will be displayed on frontend as thumbnail image with icon:

Shared Live Blog - improving copy functionality

To facilitate reporting about ongoing live events we have improved the functionality of copied Live blog. From release 7.16 on, when the live blog is copied to your site, it will be automatically updated as the original blog is updated.

There are two sets of date – the ones that can be edited on the copy site, and the ones which can be changed only on the original and will be propagated automatically.

After copying, you will be able to update general metadata like title, image, introduction, and zone to provide your audience context of the ongoing event.

The live blog content – summary and live blog entries, can only be edited on the original live blog, but will be automatically propagated on the copied blog.

Please note, that the time zone settings are following the settings of the original live blog, that may not match the time zone of your site.

Broadcasting pages (How to listen)

Pangea now offers new Broadcast pages; the goal is to improve how we communicate to our audience the information of how to tune and listen our programing via radio or satellite.

This is the first phase of the project covering radio and satellite information, phase two will bring affiliates information.

The radio and affiliate information is provided only in case that your service has radio broadcasting.

For VOA, MBN, OCB, the pages are ready but we will need to connect them to the system used to provide this information. For RFE/RL We use a database managed by Technical Operation Center (TOC) that provides the information about radio and satellite.

These pages are available but not linked to any part of the site yet, Customer Care will review RFE/RL sites and link those pages to the site by region page.

Localization for it is partially completed by old localization keys from previous version. Other part is getting data from Custom culture which was completed by each service and is fully integrated.

Remaining information like tab naming or satellite technical details are in localization keys.

(Sample of the page http://qa.russian.rfe.od.rferl.org/radio/waves.)


Under tab marked as Waves anyone can find service broadcasting with particular timing and frequency to tune it up.


Under tab marked as Satellite you can find information about satellites which are used for broadcasting and they are AsiaSat and HotBird. On this page you can find broadcasting timing and more technical details.


Email notifications

During reviewing affiliate process from the beginning to the end we found out that email communication needs improvement regarding branding. Now email notifications are properly branded and in the next release we will deliver some new which are missing now.

GDB for BBG Direct

Due to legal issues we had to close automatic logic which was developed for particular cases to be sure that proper content is getting to BBG Direct. Based on this we realized that we need to give more control into editors’ hands. Now we developed new rights for chosen users who will manage if the picture can go to BBG Direct or not due to legal agreement with photographers. If you would like to be able to decide if the picture can go to BBG Direct or not, you need to contact Lucie Steinzova who is administrator for this. Please do not convince Customer Care to give you rights otherwise you can face legal issue in case that not proper picture will appear for third parties.


We changed logos for all providers on BBG Direct, so all logos have to be unified into gray color to keep consistency and fast system.


Missing user information

In cooperation with Marketing department we noticed that many users are missing important information. The information helps to department working with affiliates more in the future relations and to the BBG Direct system to provide more accurate content to language and region of affiliate. Now every user who is missing important information will be redirected to his profile until user fills what is mandatory.

RFE/RL Mobile Application

Pangea team is introducing the all-new RFE/RL News App.

Experience Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s award-winning journalism via our newly redesigned iOS app.

With news available in 22 languages, it brings you up-to-the-minute articles, photos, videos, audio and blogs in a dynamic and personalized experience.

New features include: Live video streaming, and enhanced TV and audio experience, and My News – a completely customizable interface which gives you the freedom to create your own newsfeed from across RFE/RL services.

The application can be downloaded from Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore: