7.15 Release Highlights


The Release 7.15 of Pangea will provide desired new features such as a new editorial bar, new content widget layout, improved SEO, improved image quality, and many others!

We have also updated BBG Direct with new left filter navigation, new content type, and localization keys.

Editorial Bar – new feature we’re developing for Pangea 8.0

The editorial bar is a tool that will allow editors to switch between the frontend and CMS in an easy way. This new feature will help editors find and edit content in timely manner by allowing them to access front-end page corresponding to the CMS page where the editor is at the time.​

  • Editorial bar will be available to users after they have logged in into CMS. If user has access to more than one site in CMS, the editorial bar will be available on all sites where this user has access.
  • Editorial bar will be available for mobile devices (e.g. phones and tablets). For mobile devices this is implemented as Sticky navigation.


  • CMS Search: Direct access to Main Search in CMS
  • Report a Bug: Access to Pangea portal
  • Cache Toggle button: cache - non-cache: When a page is in non-cache URL, the hyperlinks of the page will keep original URLs
  • Last update: Displays date, time and user who has done the latest changes or updates, (only available for content types)
  • Edit in CMS: Allow user to go directly to CMS and edit content​
  • Live Button: is a constant element in all CMS pages, but the function to go to live is enabled for pages that have a page on front end website. From CMS the links will open in new tab using the nocache=1 parameter
    • In case user tries to navigate away of current page when changes are not saved, they will be prompted to confirm their choice
    • The live view option will be available only to pages that are live and published in www, for those pages that are in different status, say draft or private, the live view will be disabled​
  • CMS lock function: When the page is open in CMS by the user it will be locked for others. If the user comes from FE to a page that is locked in CMS, they will get a prompt message indicating that the item is locked by someone and the system will offer an option to unlock the item.
  • On click prompt message will display​
    This Article has been being edited by XXXX since DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS. Do you want to unlock this item?
    OK – Cancel

  • Unlock: On click prompt message will display
    This Article has been being edited by user since DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS. Do you want to unlock this item? OK – Cancel
    OK: Will unlock the page and locking it for other users
    Cancel in the prompt message: will keep the pages as it is
  • Cancel in the top right part of CMS: On click will take users to advance search

New widget AKA “Bob”: a new content widget layout

Based on feedback from Pangea editors to be able to promote couple stories to a specific topic in a widget, we are bringing a new content widget layout for 4 column section layout with the only option to create a full width size widget at the top of the page. The “Bob” widget has a grey backgrounder.

The new content widget in Pangea CMS

The new content widget on frontend

SEO: Pages with tabs for program index pages, RSS, schedule pages and multimedia zone pages

In order to boost search engine optimization (SEO) with the perfect URLs and to avoid content duplicity from search engines, we simplified URLs for special pages with tabbing on new responsive design and added meta data, as page titles and descriptions.

We changed simplified URL for program index pages, RSS, schedule pages and multimedia zone pages and created rules for redirection of old URLs to new ones. For example, for program index page, we used to use /programindex.html with radio tab as default. In the new release, URL will be /programs/radio which is more user-friendly.

While adding new meta data, we created new configuration keys to be able to localize them. Please, be aware that meta data: page titles and descriptions will be not visible on the responsive pages, you can see page titles in page tabs (image below) and they serve to allow search crawlers to read our pages better.

Here is a list of new configuration keys for meta data localization:

  • Responsive.PageTitle.Paging.Text
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Rss
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Podcast
  • Responsive.PageTitle.ProgramPages.ProgramIndexPageRadio
  • Responsive.PageTitle.ProgramPages.ProgramIndexPageTV
  • Responsive.PageDescription.Rss
  • Responsive.PageDescription.Podcast
  • Responsive.PageDescription.ProgramPages.ProgramIndexPageRadio
  • Responsive.PageDescription.ProgramPages.ProgramIndexPageTV

Here is the list of new configuration keys to change format of page titles:

  • Responsive.PageTitle.Calendar.DateFormat
  • Responsive.PageTitle.ZoneArchive.ProgramZone.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.ZoneArchive.ProgramZone.Paging.Enable.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.ZoneArchive.Calendar.Enable.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.ZoneArchive.Calendar.Paging.Enable.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.ZoneArchive.Paging.Enable.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Schedule.Default.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Schedule.Calendar.Enabled.Format

SEO: Paging after load more buttons - simplified URLs and customize titles

Further SEO improvements were made to avoid page duplicity. In order to do that we simplified URLs and page titles for authors, comments and zone pages with pages. There will be no visible change for users while they work with CMS.

We created new configuration keys for changing format of the page titles:

  • Responsive.PageTitle.Comments.Paging.Enable.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Comments.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Author.Paging.Enable.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Author.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Search.Paging.Enable.Format
  • Responsive.PageTitle.Photogallery.Paging.Enable.Format​

SEO: Structured data markup for content pages

We implemented structured data markup that search engines will understand better content pages and will be able to index a proper data as a publish date, publisher (organization), images. Then data will be eligible for other Google features in search results (rich snippets, breadcrumbs, and sitelinks search boxes).

Image quality improvements for content, video and photo galleries

We have been investigating images and improved image quality in an article, video and photo gallery page on desktop.

Photo gallery in 7.14

Photo gallery in 7.15

Site by region: a new page for RFERL and VOA

VOA and RFE/RL each have a page which lists all the sites of the given entity grouped by region. The page was done using HTML widgets. In order to simplify the page and the process of maintaining and updating the changes, we created a separate page where the published data is taken from a separate database. This allows services to be able to localize the regions with configuration keys.

Web admins will be able to localize the page title by Responsive.Navigation.SitesByRegion.Title configuration key.

All region titles are able to be localized as well. If this is required, please contact our Customer Care.

Ability to enable teaser on archive pages on responsive

On new responsive design, admins can set up the archive pages so that teaser information (title, intro and images) will be displaying on these pages as they do for widgets. Please, use ZoneArchive.LoadTeaserInfo configuration key for enabling it.

Comments on responsive

Services can set up Pangea or Facebook comments for content pages (an article, a live blog, a video and a photo-gallery page). Based on the feedback from users, we changed the position of comments on the page and moved the comments closer to the content body.

Header Social Networks Location

Based on the requests by multiple entities, we developed the social header for all entities. Since Pangea Release 7.15 all services will be able to have social media Followus buttons in the header of their page. To enable this feature, we created a new configuration key Responsive.FollowusHeader .

Moi Mir (My World) to "Follow as" navigation

We have added the option of having a Follow us button for the "Moi Mir" website. If a service wants to promote its Moi Mir (My World) account in the Follow us navigation, they should set up the account and then add it to the Follow us navigation with the configuration.

New configuration keys to set up Moi Mir account in Pangea CMS:

  • Responsive.Social.FollowOnMyWorld
  • Responsive.Social.MyWorld.UrlFollow

Add "Display Zone / Date / Label" to the "You Might Also Like Widgets"

We enabled an option to set up Zones/ Date/ Label setting in a You Might Also Like Widget.

Hide Subscribe button on an author`s page

Web admin can now hide the Subscribe button on Author highlight widget and author’s bio page with key​ Responsive.Author.Subscribe.Enabled.

Poll – independent content type

As part of the process of preparing new Pangea CMS we have made changes with the Poll content type. Previously Poll was available only via Poll widget. After 7.15 release, it will be possible to create Poll independently (as Quiz). That way you can create poll in advance, have an archive and display it on zones.

​There is also an independent poll page.

Live Streaming Widget

Live Streaming widget is designed to present live streaming content (both audio and video) on section pages.

Adding a Live Stream widget to a section

  • From any section and any area select add widget from the page, the modal setting up widget will display with the list of available widgets
  • Select Live Stream Widget from the list​

Setting up your widget

Header options

  • Display standard title: You can assign a Title header for the widget by selecting this option and filling in the title field. This field becomes mandatory when this option is selected. The title you submit here will display on the frontend view of the widget.
  • No Title: no title is displayed and the field "Title of the widget" is not mandatory
  • Image as header: this option allows you to customize the header of the widget by selecting an image. Make sure that the image used works well on all devices such as mobile, tablet, or desktop
  • Header Link: this option allows you to add a hyperlink to the header, as well as a target of the link

Footer link

This option enables you to add a link at the footer of the widget. You can link to an archive page, section or add a manual link. The text for the footer link comes from localization, but it can be customized on widget level by entering text in the "Link text" field.

Source Type

This option is where you can set the source of the content, such as whether it is a video or audio tube, by clicking "Add" on the tube search page displays.

You can search tubes by keywords or if you know the Stream Name (e.g. live_high@47386)

  • You can select tubes from your site or tubes from different site.
  • The list of results will also include information on the type of tube (e.g. audio or video). You can also preview the tube by clicking on the "Link to origin" icon or select the tube by clicking on the "Attach" icon in the search results.
  • Show tube name: Displays text written in the Tube Localized Name box below this widget on public site (including LIVE badge graphic)
  • Tube Image: Allows user to select image for the tube which applies only to the widget

Stream Properties

There are several options how to display the widget on your page.

  • Stream Image: Allows user to select image for the stream, Image from the stream has priority over image from the tube. This applies only to the widget.

Choosing when to display the widget

  • "Widget display all the time" option: When this option is selected, the widget will be displayed all the time even if there is no show broadcasting
  • "Widget Display restricted to the tube schedule": Under this mode, the widget will be displayed only during the intervals when there is show in video or audio scheduler, meaning that if there is no show set up in the scheduler, the whole widget will not be available.
  • "Widget display restricted to specific date and time" option: When this option is selected, the widget will only be displayed during an interval based on specific dates and times set by the user.
  • "Autoplay in silent mode" is enabled, if video tube is selected as tube source.

Automatic update of shared articles – Facebook and VKontakte

This new feature is designed to help with the performance on Social Networks. We have implemented a background procedure that automatically updates articles that were already shared. The functionality checks the changes made by the editors in CMS and applies the changes on Facebook and VKontakte.

New Calendar on responsive

A couple releases ago we developed the calendar for schedule and zone archive pages. Based on your feedback we have improved its support for various languages. This Pangea version brings new, revamped calendar which should suit all the regions.

A questionnaire with all questions about numerals, names of months and days, calendar and separators has been sent out to all services. Based on the replies from these questionnaires, we have started to work on localization of custom culture for calendar.

Please be aware that there is no change in design or functionality of calendar.

BBG Direct Improvements

New left filter navigation

Thanks to end users (affiliates) feedback we were focusing on left filter navigation menu which was originally designed focused on sorting by services and entities. This system was not as intuitive for the end users, therefore we adjusted the system in a way that reflects this. Filtering of content types such as video, audio, or article, was moved into filter navigation and became a part of the filtering. Thanks to this users can now also filter by content types and get a particular picture for a specific occasion.

The order for filtering is now clearer thanks to the option of setting the first language which will enable filter parts called Categories and Programs. Categories were originally named Programs so all the content can be found in there. Newly added Programs will need an effort from site administrators and journalists who will eventually fill content in there. Thanks to this, it will allow the content to be better highlighted and promoted.

"Zone categories" were also updated as you can find in Pangea CMS. This is an opportunity for all site administrators and journalists to sort and highlight their site content in a better way than before.

Under Zone Categories you can find:

  • Category to highlight in Direct – any zone which will be marked under this zone setup will appear on Direct left filter navigation in "Categories". Also as part of this solution you will be able to set different name in Zone setup, which will then be displayed on Direct filter navigation. For example, if the zone in CMS will be "News" you as administrator or journalist can highlight zone on Direct as "Tajik best News".
  • Program to highlight in Direct – any zone which will have this enabled in its zone setup will appear on Direct left filter navigation in "Programs". Also as part of this solution, you will be able to set different name in Zone setup which will be displayed on Direct filter navigation.
  • Share all content from zone with Direct – when the zone is marked like this, it will automatically push content into Direct page. Since the start of the project there was the condition that the chosen zone had to be set as primary by any content type. In next release it be possible to push any published content to Direct if the zone is chosen for this purpose.

Newly added graphics as new content type for affiliates

We just extended our content type menu to new one which is graphic. In this phase we are offering just graphic from RFE/RL as the only entity and others will come over time. Despite this restriction, the amount of pictures offered will still be substantial.

The process of distributing a picture from CMS/GDB into Direct was automated. So anytime a journalist sets a main picture to any content type in CMS, this picture will be pushed to Direct. This restriction in the automated process is due to the fact, that there are millions of pictures of lower quality in the graphic database. Thus the logic applied was that if the picture is of sufficient quality to be​ used as main picture for any content, it will most likely also be good enough for affiliates and users of Direct.

New Localization Keys

New keys have already been added and are ready for translation in Pangea CMS. To localize the keys navigate to​ Settings | Site Localization.