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6.24 Release Highlights

Pangea Highlights 6.24
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Pangea Highlights 6.24


This release we turned on cross entity search for graphics. Enhanced audio player with 2 quality option. Improved video schedule and live input page. Added HTML to Photogalleries. And are about to finish PGO version 1.4. More at Pangea 6.24 Release Notes

Cross entities search

Search for graphics on any page in CMS is now possible trough all entities. In future we plan to extend this feature to include photogalleries as well. Click on combo box Search entity and > select entity where you would like to search. You can narrow the search by selecting particular site under that entity or just hit search on all site.

Various quality settings for audio

Users can now select in which quality they would like to play the audio clip or download the audio on front end . Either 64kbps mostly used for desktop and mobiles or 128kbps considered high quality. File for download is measured in size instead of bitrate.

Video schedule page improvements

You can now switch the table between Hourly or Program based mode.
When creating new show mouse over the area where you would like to create the show and hit add link. Past time areas are grayed out since it is not permitted to create show in past.

Live input page improvements

There is only one Live Inputs tab where you can also add external inputs.
You just need to select appropriate input from drop down menu. Based on your selection additional fields will change depending on information that is required. For multiple Inputs show Playlist tab is also available to search any existing audio or video and you can add various multiple inputs.

Enhanced Photogallery

Simplified CKEditor version has been added to edit photogallery page for your convenience. It also include option to insert HTML code and links.

PGO 1.4 ready soon

​There should be soon available 1.4 version in appstore and CMS for PangeaGo mobile application.
This version offers possibility to upload images / videos / audios and text from your mobile device directly to pangea CMS. Detailed guide here:
Pangea Go guide

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