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Pangea Newsletter - Manage Templates




The Manage templates option allows you to create a layout for each Newsletterer Topic. Please notice that this feature is usually suitable for HTML and CSS experienced users.

Getting Started

To open the Emailer Templates page, you start by clicking the Newsletter button. Then choose the Manage Templates option.

In the following picture, you may see a page displaying the list of templates. To Edit/Delete the particular template you may do so just by clicking one of the appropriate icons in Actions.

To create a new template you start by clicking the New Template button.

Editing the templates

To edit one of the topic templates you start by clicking Edit button. You will open the page with following options:
Settings and Template Design.

Settings Tab
This tab enables you to fill in the Title and Template Description.

Template Design Tab
Once you’ve finished adjusting the Settings tab, you can start editing the design of your template. Since the newsletter is sent in two version
(HTML and Text), you can edit both of them and then display their previews (HTML Preview and Text Preview).​ ​Each template is separated into several parts: Header, Footer, Item, News Item, Zero template and Zone template.​

At the bottom of this page there is a list of all variables recognized by the templates (including explanation).